The Population Council has run small safety trials of Carraguard over the past couple of years.
The Population Council expects to receive American marketing approval by the end of this year.
In 2004, with help from the United Nations and other organizations, the Population Council launched a community-based club known as Abriendo Oportunidades, or "Opening Opportunities".
Studies into the gel by the American Population Council's centre for Biological Research are being funded by the foundation set up by Microsoft founder Bill Gates.
The leading candidate at the moment is Carraguard, developed by the Rockefeller-affiliated Population Council.
The ageing population and squeeze on council budgets have led councils to impose stricter criteria on who can get help.
About one in eight people of the islands' 2, 200-strong population is employed in some way by the council.
The report on population change by the Task and Finish Group from Boston Borough Council has made 28 recommendations to the government on how to improve things in the town.
BBC: Boston immigration levels to be discussed in Parliament
Not simply the imminence of the threat to the population of Benghazi, but also the fact that there was a United Nations Security Council Resolution, support within the region not just for the resolution but enforcement of the resolution.
Social services for adults are being "remodelled" as the council deals with a rising elderly population, with estimates that by 2032 25% of the population will be over 65.
BBC: Council care home beds: 600 lost in Wales in five years
"The report says only half the people that took part - and remember, 99.9% of the population did not - had some concerns, " said Paul Rylott, of the Agricultural Biotechnology Council (ABC), which represents biotech firms like Monsanto and Bayer CropScience.
Security Council resolution is to protect the civilian population, and the constant bombardment will continue as long as that mission remains.
Merthyr council received the most requests per head of the population in Wales.
BBC: Freedom of Information requests 'puts strain on councils'
"Somerset has an ageing population and safeguarding vulnerable people is a priority for the council, " said Councillor Christine Lawrence, Cabinet Member with responsibility for Health and Adult Social Care.
It called for the authority to look into using other data sources to measure population figures - such as the National Insurance number register, GP lists and council tax records.
Launching a new alcohol strategy, Cornwall Council said about a quarter of the county's 500, 000 population was putting itself "at risk".
An explosion of wealth and population in early 19th-century New York prompted the Common (later City) Council to ask the State Legislature to establish a commission to "develop and choose a master plan to channel and direct" the city's future expansion.
She said it was "not about making judgements about people's behaviour" but the council had a responsibility to try and improve the health of the town's population.
Most of Palin's government experience is local: two terms on the city council and two terms as mayor of Wasilla -- a town near Anchorage with a population of 7, 000.
The figures suggest that in some 69 council wards - areas which are much smaller in size and population than parliamentary constituencies - more than half of children are in poverty.
Security Council members that Syria lacks full compliance with the peace plan and that troops and heavy weapons remain in population centers despite an agreement to withdraw.