The court heard Sir Ross Cranston said in a press release in 2000 he welcomed the chance to vote in favour of the Hunting Bill and "consign this brutal practice to the dustbin of history".
In practice, the history of that most racially mixed country of all, the United States, supports this idea.
The Czechs, including my Mom, had long practice in dealing with the complexities of history, and they offered great advice.
Bowler, a Thailand-based Australian, has run half a dozen of the tours in recent years, during which participants are taught the basics of Islamic practice, study Islamic history and calligraphy, pray in mosques and live and eat with Muslim families.
She provides a history of the modern practice of sex-selective abortion, based on new and detailed research, and she helps readers think about its possible consequences.
And while the debate over junkets rages in the virtual world, the practice does, in fact, have a history of official regulation.
Adam Zeman draws on literature, the history of science, and his practice as a consultant neurologist to paint a portrait which, like the brain itself, is elegantly arranged.
But he obviously needed practice in order to emulate one of the best in the history of baseball.
In the history-conscious cultures of East Asia, the practice has helped perpetuate troublesome myths.
The Working Group also targeted services, the regulation of which is complicated by history, culture, and local practice.
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He was a public defender in Washington before helping to establish the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture and then going to work for nine years in private practice.
All I wanted to do was play the trumpet, just get better at it, and just practice and practice, but I never realized how important it is to know the history - just like knowing the history of yourself.
The restructuring of Caterham's line-up means Ma Qing Huang -- who made history when he became the first Chinese racer to drive in front of his home crowd during practice at the last race in Shanghai -- loses his role as the team's reserve as well as his place in Caterham's GP2 team.