"Wherever he is, he will be found and brought to justice, " the prime minister added.
"It's really the initiative of local authorities, " the prime minister added.
The prime minister added in his weekly press conference from Downing Street that bonuses could be "clawed back" if a bank employee's improvement in performance was not sustained.
The prime minister added that UK aviation officials were currently in Yemen to discuss improved aviation security in the country and he hoped flights could be resumed as soon as possible.
The report exposed "a tale of a frankly brazen disregard for protecting children, " the prime minister added, as he praised the courage of the victims of abuse who had spoken out to investigators.
CNN: Vatican recalls envoy to Ireland over priest abuse scandal
The prime minister added that he doesn't believe the violence will subside in Iraq now that Saddam is not at large, but vowed to keep Australian troops there as long as they are needed.
The deputy prime minister added his voice to the plea.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | BBC Parliament | Prime Minister's Questions
The assembled leaders had also agreed that "we need to develop broader measures of progress to complement GDP in order to take account of the natural assets that will contribute to future prosperity", the deputy prime minister added.
"That is precisely the point the prime minister was underlining, " he added.
He added that the prime minister himself must also answer "legitimate questions" on the saga now "rather than trying to kick the affair into the long grass".
The spokeswoman added that the prime minister would likely reiterate the message U.K. ministers have so far sent publicly, which is that they welcome the investigation and look forward to the outcome.
"It would be another nail in the coffin of the prime minister's claim to have changed the Conservative Party, " he added.
He would not do a deal with Mr Monti's centrist bloc, he added, saying that the prime minister's poor showing was down to popular discontent with his austerity measures.
He added that a meeting with the Prime Minister before Christmas had left him "none the wiser".
But more fuel was added to the fire by former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia, leader of the main opposition, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party.
The Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said the changes would "raise standards for all our children", but he added that it would "not exclude any children".
The former prime minister and leader of Israel's Likud Party added that for Israel to seriously discuss peace with Palestinians, Hamas would have to drastically change its philosophy.
Zelikow added he has not spoken to the former prime minister himself while advising the firm and says he knows "nothing about their relationship or discussions" with Allawi.
Peres and Arafat's first joint appearance Friday came when the Spanish prime minister decided to hold a lunch first for Mubarak, then added Arafat and finally, shortly before lunch, also Peres.
On his first official US visit as prime minister, he added that he was "confident" that reforms to the banking system would be successful.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown described the tax as "the toughest in the world", but added that more nations needed to adopt the tax to make it effective.
Mr Paisley added that he welcomed Prime Minister Tony Blair's acknowledgement in the House of Commons on Wednesday that only an "imperfect peace" currently exists in Northern Ireland.
Meanwhile, police sources think it "very unlikely" that Sara Thornton, widely praised by the prime minister for her work as chief constable of Thames Valley Police, would apply, our correspondent added.