The prime ministers met during the 10th annual South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation summit.
None of the prime ministers since independence has led a party with a majority in parliament.
Mrs Merkel has already helped to remove the prime ministers of Greece and Italy.
Afghan President Hamid Karzai has held talks in Kabul with the prime ministers of Britain and Pakistan.
So did more than 200 CEOs, Nobel Prize winners and the prime ministers of Singapore and Malaysia.
The prime ministers of Poland and Hungary also took part in the event.
And they and the prime ministers and Senator Mitchell, who somehow kept it all together, they deserve the credit.
President Barack Obama talked with the prime ministers of Japan and South Korea Monday night, according to the White House.
The talks come ahead of a key meeting between the prime ministers of the two countries during the Non-Aligned Movement summit.
In 1988 the prime ministers of Turkey and Greece met at Davos and signed a declaration that may have averted a war.
The prime ministers of both Russia and Canada promised to ratify soon.
In the past year the crisis has brought down the prime ministers of Ireland and Portugal after they needed to be bailed out.
In 1988, the prime ministers of Greece and Turkey agreed on a "no war" agreement while meeting at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland.
The prime ministers of Serbia and its breakaway territory of Kosovo have met for the first time at talks brokered by the EU in Brussels.
Written by Peter Morgan, who also wrote The Queen, The Audience examines the monarch's relationship with the Prime Ministers who served during her reign.
Two of the prime ministers Mr Subramaniam had worked under, Lal Bahadur Shastri and Indira Gandhi, had defended him against all the flak from his critics.
The opinion-poll ratings of Lionel Jospin and Tony Blair, the prime ministers of France and Britain , respectively, slumped to their lowest since they took office.
For the first time since terrorists attacked last year in Mumbai, the prime ministers of India and Pakistan met to talk about how to restart peace talks.
The prime ministers of Serbia and Kosovo reached a tentative EU-mediated deal in Brussels on Friday that would give Kosovo's ethnic Albanian leadership authority over rebel Kosovo Serbs.
Once out of office, Baroness Thatcher afforded the prime ministers who followed her, space to decide how to confront such challenges, challenges which she believed were not unique to Northern Ireland.
Under, what appears to be, the Schroeder plan - no there wouldn't because the second chamber of the European parliament would actually be the prime ministers of all the member nations of the European Union.
Of the 20 prime ministers in the list, Neville Chamberlain and Sir Anthony Eden both scored zero - in Chamberlain's case because he "utterly failed in his principal objective of averting war".
So it's official - Tony Blair is both one of the greatest prime ministers and probably the most dangerous man in Britain.
The governments hope to hold intensive proximity talks chaired by the two prime ministers in London before the end of the month.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Report backs Orde over IRA
The court cases against the two prime ministers have in effect been put on hold until the election.
In 1988 the two prime ministers, Rajiv Gandhi and Li Peng, agreed to set the border dispute to one side.
The Social Democratic and Labour Party has also held bilateral talks with the two prime ministers.
The Audience will depict the weekly meetings between the Queen and some of the 12 prime ministers of her reign.