The other two women, the ones from the militia, ask the prison guard to withdraw.
The prison guard is in critical, but stable condition.
CNN: Judge orders separate trial for one embassy bombing defendant
Governor ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER (Republican, California): What was wrong with the previous administration was that when the prison guard union went to them and said, we want have 40 percent increase in our wages, they gave it to them.
Venezuela's top prison official said national guard troops entering the prison were met with violence.
And in 2011, Gingrich joined Grover Norquist and other unlikely allies - including Mike Jiminez, the president of California's prison guard union -- to endorse the NAACP's report, Misplaced Priorities: Over Incarcerate, Under Educate.
The judge made the ruling following an incident on November 1, when Salim allegedly stabbed a prison guard in the eye after a meeting with his attorney Paul McAllister.
CNN: Judge orders separate trial for one embassy bombing defendant
Court officials failed to notify the state Department of Corrections that Ebel was supposed to serve two consecutive four-year terms for assaulting a prison guard, so the department let him out early.
But Mr Demjanjuk, who came to the US in 1952, says he was a prisoner of war of the Nazis rather than a prison guard.
Several well-known studies from the 1960s involving lab coats, prison guard uniforms and electric shocks show we are more likely to rely on uniforms as an indicator of expertise and authority, than not.
But as with previous experiments in which random members of the public have been asked to play prison guard or interrogator, Dr Fast's result suggests that many quite ordinary people will succumb to bad behaviour if the circumstances are right.
Not only is one of the candidates a former bartender, boxer, prison guard, professional gambler, car-factory worker and snowplough driver.
Days ago bused-in prison inmates worked shoulder to shoulder with the National Guard and local volunteers to build a makeshift floodwall of sand and gravel.
Prison guard (later Inspector) Javert is the voice of the rule-of-law principle run amuck.
FORBES: Law And Grace In Best Picture Nominee 'Les Miserables'
Winslet had been expected to be named best supporting actress for The Reader, in which she plays a former Nazi prison guard who has an affair with a teenager.
Hook, a former Army man and prison guard, had been hired by DynCorp just the month before.
Led by Khaled Atrash, one of the most notorious car thieves in the region - who had just completed a four-year prison term for agricultural theft - the thieves poisoned Dromi's guard dogs before moving toward his sheep pen.