For something slightly less conventional but still very aristocratic, stroll among a Dutch windmill, a Chinese pagoda and a gothic castle -- all of which can be found in Parc Monceau, which was constructed by the eccentric Duc de Chartres as his private garden in the 18th Century.
The kitchen and formal dining room overlook the building's private garden and there are other views of a landscaped churchyard.
The family's private garden, which was planted long before Mrs.
Even some of the Hamptons' most lavish estates can be enjoyed via private garden tours advertised in the local newspaper, The East Hampton Star.
Some consider her Marrakech property, Ain Kassimou, the world's finest private garden of recent vintage.
WSJ: The Most Important Garden Designer You've Never Heard Of
He had opened the window and seemed to be hypnotized by the garden that surrounded the building, and by the neighboring garden, which belonged to a private house and was visible, in part, through dark latticework.
After Giuliani left office, Lhota landed in the private sector, working at Cablevision and Madison Square Garden (and battling lymphoma, another unfortunate event that happens to add sympathy to his personal brand).
The development will also include an eye clinic and a private garden for patients and their families.
Club guests have a private check-in desk, access to the Virginia Room for concierge service and dining, and a private terrace and garden.
That means that each of the private 49 villas has its own swimming pool, as well as a garden and an outdoor terrace for dining.
He foreshadowed his possible response during a Rose Garden news conference on April 2, as the court prepared for private deliberations on its decision.
"This is a superb example of the private and public sectors working together to ensure a bright future for our National Botanic Garden, " said Dr Griffiths.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South West Wales | Grant windfall for Gower wildlife
Private dwelling - new build - Craignish, Lochgilphead (Cameron Webster Architects), and The Secret Garden, Milton of Leys, Inverness (Rural Design).
In 1989, Cox moved back to New York to work on his first major private commission in the U.S.: artist Jennifer Bartlett's three-level roof garden in Greenwich Village.
WSJ: The Most Important Garden Designer You've Never Heard Of
Cory went all over the world on plant hunting expeditions to populate the garden, and his dedication to Dyffryn and to horticulture led to him having the largest bonsai collection in private ownership in 1912.