Its proposals are open for comment on the Privy Council website until 23 May.
Their applications to change their status go via a different route, not through the Privy Council.
The law has now been approved by the Privy Council and registered in Jersey's Royal Court.
Her appointment as chief inspector was confirmed following a meeting of the Privy Council on Wednesday.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Minister's wife takes over Ofsted
Announcements - and confirmation of the Privy Council's decisions - are expected in the next few weeks.
His next note to the Queen, on 9 August 1976, was to resign from the Privy Council.
The Orders, which were issued through the Privy Council, restored the government ban quashed by the High Court.
The law was approved by the Privy Council on 12 December after being passed by the States in July.
Lawyers representing the papers said they had formally petitioned the Privy Council, which meets next month, to consider the issue.
BBC: Leveson report: Newspapers reject press regulation plans
The prime minister has indicated that he would want to take the royal charter to the Privy Council in May.
The Liberal Democrats say he intends to voluntarily remove himself from the Privy Council - which gives him the title "Right Honourable".
Mr Bowron said he would accept the Privy Council's adjudication and wanted to determine whether any of the investigating officers should be disciplined.
The section 30 order will now be sent to the Privy Council, which is a body of senior UK political figures, for final approval.
The Privy Council and the Queen have granted the government special powers which could be used to maintain essential services like hospitals and schools.
His appeal is being heard by the Privy Council's judicial committee.
Singapore subsequently abolished the right of appeal to the Privy Council.
The Privy Council will then consider these proposals, which are backed by most but not all newspapers, and consider the plans agreed by the political parties later.
He was tried by the privy council in secret but, because it was not a felony, he could not be sent to prison for a long time.
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If the Privy Council wanted to make changes to the charter it would not have to get the approval of the leaders of the three main political parties.
In happier times, the then Prime Minister Harold Wilson told him over lunch that he was to become a member of the Privy Council, despite his relatively junior ministerial position.
The prime minister visits her regularly for an audience where he updates her on events, while she is also expected to rubber-stamp ministerial decisions at meetings of the Privy Council.
If it is approved by the States, it needs to go to the Privy Council for Royal approval which means it could be at least another year before it officially becomes law.
The Privy Council was due to consider the plans on 15 May but it will now first consider separate plans proposed by some newspapers for self-regulation with a lesser role for the state.
She raised concerns about the possibility of government ministers being able to tamper with the royal charter through the Privy Council at any time and urged clauses in statute providing this could not happen.
The section 30 order, which was passed unopposed by MPs, now needs to be approved by the House of Lords on Wednesday and will then go before the Privy Council for final approval next month.
Officials from the mercers' company, whose members originally dealt in luxury fabric, were summoned before the Privy Council in 1561 to explain "to explain why the price of silk was so high", according to historian Ian Doolittle.
BBC: Lessons from history: Can royalty guarantee a free press?
Government sources told BBC deputy political editor James Landale that the Privy Council would hold "a period of openness" for three weeks to allow the public to comment before deciding whether to hold a full eight-week consultation over the newspapers' plans.
Britain will discover that it has a constitutional court in the form of the judicial committee of the Privy Council, an obscure body that will be called upon to adjudicate the inevitable and possibly bitter tests of strength between the various parliaments and assemblies.
If approved by the States and the UK Privy Council the protection against race discrimination is expected to come into force in early 2014.