The daily results of the progress of that work were confidential and "highly sensitive", the FSA said.
The photographs that record the progress of their painful work (painful for her, that is) are not pretty.
Because, understand this: All of the hard work, all of the progress that we have made, it is all on the line.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event -- Reno, NV
Because know this for sure: All of our hard work, all of the progress that we have made, it is all at stake.
The new inductees included Gordon Moore, the co-founder of both Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel (and most famous for his Moore's Law, which predicted the rate of semiconductor progress), and Carver Mead, who did much of the work that made it possible to pack tens of thousands of transistors onto a single silicon chip.
Mr Eaton said that the images submitted were of a work-in-progress digital maquette and that a wax version would be made next.
Because we have to remember that all of the wonderfully important and hard work, all the progress that we've made -- it is all on the line. (Applause.) It is all at stake this November.
But now a lot of progress is being made in designing so-called nicotinic drugs that do the work of nicotine without the undesirable effects.
Many of the progress events that lead to good inner work life are actually just incremental steps forward.
FORBES: The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins as Big Gains
Some subset of the units are works in progress and that work is ongoing and it is something that we're watching very, very closely.
So we are mindful that we have a lot of work to do, but we are very pleased with the progress that has been made by each of these Cabinet members, and we are looking forward to redoubling our efforts in the months to come.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President on Cabinet Meeting and General McChrystal | The White House
Because all our hard work, all of the progress that we have made, understand that it is all at stake.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event -- Hampton, VA
Because all of our hard work, all the progress that we have made for so long -- it is all on the line.
Despite substantial investment, the report states that the progress towards the WHQS has been affected by the slower than expected development of landlords' work plans and timescales for local-authority stock transfer.
Yet we are confident that it has contributed to the work in progress of laying the foundation of the edifice of reconciliation.
Groups like Heritage and the Center for American Progress are large organizations that do many different kinds of work on all kinds of issues.
Bush expressed gratitude for the work of relief personnel, citing progress made in restoring power and clean water that had lacked it for days or even weeks.
The ICO issued guidance to firms ahead of the 26 May deadline but said that the document was a "work in progress".
And as we look back on the progress of the past year, and look forward to the work ahead, I have every confidence that we will do exactly that.
Entrepreneurship speaks to our belief that hard work and ingenuity in the face of daunting obstacles can lead to personal fulfillment and collective progress.
They found, based on a multi-year research project they undertook involving hundreds of companies, that of all the events that can deeply engage people in their jobs, the single most important is making progress in meaningful work.