Consider, for example, the Milwaukee public school choice program.
How can Al Gore and his cohorts continue to trash school choice and defend the public school education monopoly?
It promotes school choice, but only within the public school system, and notes that no other government in the study has followed the American model for reform.
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Then, open up the public school system to corporations and push school-choice.
In 1997, the legislature nearly killed the FHSAA over the issue how its rules could stifle transfers under school choice plans, but instead officially designated it the official public-school association as a compromise to the organization in a bill that regulated its organizational structure and governing authority.
FORBES: Florida Legislature Might Blow Up High School Sports As We Know Them
Give at-risk and low-performing students more money to bring with them to the public school of their choice.
FORBES: NCEE Report Focuses on Teachers as Professionals, New Pay Schemes
The court struck down public school choice plans in Seattle, Washington, and Louisville, Kentucky, concluding they relied on an unconstitutional use of racial criteria, with the 5-4 vote reflecting the deep legal and social divide over the issue of race and education.
It comes straight out of the school of public-choice economics, which says that the public sector seeks power in the same way that private companies do.
In Milwaukee some 10, 000 pupils, or about 10% of the public school enrolment, go to choice schools.
In Milwaukee, Wisconsin some 10, 000 pupils, or about 10% of the public school enrollment, go to choice schools.
At no point in this process will comparing charters or private schools and public schools reflect the largest gains of school choice.
If the moves in those other states are any indication, collective-bargaining is next in line followed by the expansion of school choice and the injection of more corporate money and influence into the public education system.
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We tell you how to be a cut-rate Ted Turner by buying into a shared ranch ( Living Large on Less), how to trade off the cost of a house against the cost of private-school tuition ( Public Choice) and how to get more from your greens fees ( Golf A La Carte).
Previously only allowed to pay for college education from personal funds, the new-fangled ESA allows parents to apply public school funding earmarked for their child to the educational services of their choice.
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As the Wall Street Journal recently reported, both Princeton and Harvard University researchers have concluded that students in the Milwaukee choice program have made achievement gains over their public school counterparts.
That she is backing the full corporatization of public schools in Florida goes well beyond simply advocating for school choice.
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The latest available research indicates that competitive remedies such as school choice and private management of public schools show promising results for improving student achievement.
This is yet another argument for offering ghetto kids alternatives to traditional public schools, and it's another reason why school choice is so popular among the poor.
The public want a say in how their child's school is run, will go the argument, not a choice between schools.
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