In America, a not-for-profit organisation called the Public Library of Science is employing a similar business model.
They have just reported their results in the Public Library of Science.
Indeed, a petition is now circulating from a group calling itself the Public Library of Science, urging scientists to boycott any publisher that will not relinquish the rights to published bio-medical papers after six months.
The findings, reported in papers published by Nature and the Public Library of Science, were based on samples from 242 healthy volunteers in the U.S., from such sites as the mouth, nose, skin, intestine and vagina.
Seroxat and the other SSRI antidepressants (including Prozac, Lustral and Ciprimil) may provoke violence in a small number of people who take them, according to a paper published today on the Public Library of Science Medicine website.
As described in the journal The Public Library of Science, Evans and his colleagues created the "marathon mice" by modifying the PPAR delta gene and these furry runners provide powerful clues as to how the PPAR delta gene actually works.
The British announcement followed the publication of a report by Dame Janet Finch, a sociologist at the University of Manchester, which recommends encouraging a business model adopted by one of the pioneers of open-access publishing, the Public Library of Science.
The study, published in 2009 in one of the journals of the Public Library of Science, PLoS Computational Biology, also showed that patients who developed diseases that tend to coincide with many others were more likely to die sooner than people whose diseases were more tangentially connected.
The more accurate map of his genome, published Tuesday in The Public Library of Science, an online journal, is most important because it is going to help scientists make many more such maps--and because it opens the door to people being willing to have their genome's sequenced.
In a recent study (published in the journal Public Library of Science One) seven pairs of subjects controlled virtual avatars.
Their results are published in the current issue of Public Library of Science Medicine.
The results of this international small-game hunt have just been published in Public Library of Science Biology.