• Many scientists within the influenza community have a bona fide need to know the details of this research in order to protect the public, especially if they currently are working with related strains of the virus.

    BBC: When should science be censored?

  • In fairness, the IRS claims that these measures are all about compliance to ensure that tax return preparers are following the new regulations in order to protect the taxpaying public (insert dramatic music here).

    FORBES: IRS Targets 100,000 Tax Professionals For Noncompliance

  • In 1994, for example, Congress passed the Northwest Forest Plan, a measure that reduced logging on public lands partly in order to protect the northern spotted owl.

    ECONOMIST: Managing the West��s forests

  • You need to act quickly in order to protect the public, but you don't have enough scientific information to make sure that you're not needlessly depriving somebody of their liberty.

    NPR: TB Traveler Exposes Diagnosis Problems

  • When people fail to behave in a mature and reasonable manner, reflective of the reality of their circumstances, is it really so wrong for the government to step in and require them to do so in order to protect the rest of the public who will suffer from the behavior of those who should know better?

    FORBES: Tea Party Boils Over Proposed NYC Ban On Sugar Drinks

  • Adjourning the hearing until 29 July, when the panel will consider sanctions, panel chair Judith Worthington said it was necessary to impose an interim suspension order to "protect the public and maintain public confidence in the profession".

    BBC: Fulford care home nurse abused residents

  • "A Striking Off Order was the only sanction which would be sufficient to protect the public, " the regulator said.

    BBC: Beds, Herts & Bucks

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