The answer: a company that sells wireless communications gear to other companies and the public sector.
Galbraith opined that one consequence of the industrial state was the impoverishment of the public sector.
Pay restraint has helped to protect jobs in the public sector and support high-quality public services.
This might be easier to do in the public sector than the private sector, though.
The unwritten rule is that business is conducted in the public sector from Monday to Thursday.
The public sector's once huge share in industry and commerce has shrunk to about 12% today.
Pension reforms have often stopped when they reach sensitive bits of the public sector.
Proportionally, the growth in higher education since 1945 has been overwhelmingly in the public sector.
Most important of all, final-salary schemes are still open to new members in the public sector.
The rest of the public sector's schemes are paid for directly by the taxpayer.
High unemployment and cuts to the public sector are being felt in Italy too.
"We're being cut much further than other public-facing parts of the public sector, " he said.
Outside the public sector collaboration of some kind is now widely accepted as a must-do.
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In the public sector, Fast Data approaches are helping organizations develop integrated fast response systems.
It was very hard to argue that those companies should be in the public sector.
Such "pilot plants" are common at biotech shops but are rarely found in the public sector.
Country after country has been pushed into slashing spending and cutting back the public sector.
It is difficult enough to make money out of running education for the public sector.
Lula is neither as desperate nor as willing as Mr Neves to reinvent the public sector.
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Research suggests that working hours, sick leave and job security are cushier in the public sector.
The private sector went into a slump and the public sector took up the slack.
Corporate giants are also scrambling to find work for mid-level attorneys in the public sector.
The Mission Continues provides fellowships for returning veterans to continue their service in the public sector.
The public sector union Unison said it will lobby next week's full council meeting.
And the public sector is also becoming more social in the hope of becoming more efficient.
In Germany, for example, over half of hospitals are now outside the public sector.
But what the public sector unions often provide is a counterweight to the state bureaucracy.
Meanwhile, the public sector union Unison has called for the department to be better resourced.
We would be bleeding wealth from the private sector and giving it to the public sector.
After finally making inroads into cities, Zipcar is saving taxpayers real money in the public sector.
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