In 1951 Graham Greene stayed for the first time, while writing "The Quiet American" and acting as a correspondent for Paris Match.
CNN: Vietnam War bunker reopened under luxury hotel
What makes "The Quiet American" so compelling this time around is the drama of two men bewitched, or besotted, by a beautiful woman (played with affecting simplicity by Do Thi Hai Yen).
WSJ: 'Quiet American': A Fine Film
Caine, a veteran of 100 screen roles in a 40-year career, is clearly proud of his work in The Quiet American because he believes he has made his real self invisible in the role.
BBC: Caine ruffles US feathers
When it began, the American ambassador to Israel told the prime minister, Ariel Sharon, that the destruction of Mr Arafat's headquarters was undermining the quiet that Washington seeks in the occupied territories ahead of any American strike on Iraq.
ECONOMIST: Arafat hangs on | The
Having fought and then negotiated so hard and for so long to quiet the insurgency in Radhwaniya, American commanders were wary of the potential crisis.
CNN: Behind the Scenes: Apology for a desecration
His best known Irish movie to date, though, is The Quiet Man, a 1952 Oscar-winning film shot in County Mayo about a retired Irish-American boxer, played by John Wayne, who returns to the Irish town he was born in.
BBC: The evolution of Irish cinema