The Radical Party wants to turn the spotlight on euthanasia, therapeutic cloning and freedom of scientific research.
Worse still, the next day, Raul Alfonsin, a former president and head of the Radical Party, mused openly about a debt moratorium.
The Radical Party, lead by former European Union commissioner Emma Bonino, has already successfully campaigned to legalise abortion and divorce in Catholic Italy.
But the Radical party leader is Raul Alfonsin, a former president who is more critical of free-market policies than is Mr de la Rua.
ECONOMIST: Argentina’s Mr Boring plods to victory by default | The
The Radical party, the non-Peronist pole of a two-party system since 1945, has all but disappeared: its official candidate won just 2% of the vote.
The SPD has ruled out forming an alliance with the radical Left Party at the federal level, limiting Mr Steinmeier's coalition options.
This is because the largest Serbian opposition group, the ultranationalist Radical Party, has imploded thanks to an internal war between the devotees of Vojislav Seselj, currently standing trial for war crimes at the United Nations' tribunal in The Hague, and the allies of the more pragmatic Tomislav Nikolic, who led the party within Serbia.
ECONOMIST: The Serbian president has become unusually powerful
The Serbian Radical Party (SRS) is led by Vojislav Seselj, a war crimes suspect behind bars in The Hague.
The idea is that, with the constitution adopted, Serbia will hold an election before Kosovo goes, stopping the extremist Radical Party from picking up more disaffected votes.
In Greece, the radical left party Syriza, which is highly critical of the austerity policies of the current coalition in Athens, may well be able to tap into the discontent with an economy which is shrinking for the sixth year in a row.
By contrast, the party that might hope to gain from Mr Milosevic's death is the nationalist Serbian Radical Party, which although it is not in government is already the strongest in parliament.
They have followed the most radical voices in the party and the movement, and elected Scott Walker, Rick Scott, and various other Tea Party candidates.
In the most radical break with the party establishment so far, John Norquist, the mayor of Milwaukee, has thrown his weight behind a scheme that allows poor parents to send their children to private schools (see box).
Mr Stratoulis, from the the radical-left party Syriza, said he was leaving a football match at the Olympic stadium when he was approached by the men.
In Belgrade, meanwhile, Mr Milosevic conferred with Vojislav Seselj, his deputy prime minister and leader of the ultra-nationalist Radical Party, who bitterly opposed the peace terms.
The even more radical elements of the party hope to make Mexico simply ungovernable until Calderon resigns.
NPR: Mexico's Obrador Vows to Continue Fighting for the Presidency
Added to that, Vojislav Seselj, the head of the ultra-nationalist Radical Party, has said he is withdrawing support from the government.
At best, the administration hopes to offer support to Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Palestinian authority, and to refuse to deal with the more radical Hamas party.
The ultra-nationalist Serbian Radical Party, whose leader is on trial at The Hague accused of war crimes, won most votes in Serbia's general election.
But John Cruddas, who last year narrowly missed out on Labour's deputy leadership, said in an article for The House magazine that the party's previously radical programme had "stalled" under Mr Brown.
His fellow MEP and leadership candidate Gerard Batten, campaigning in a bright pink UKIP blazer, said he wanted to make the party more radical and take it forward so it appealed across the board of electors.
"The main concern of my party is that the fundamental, radical flaws and difficulties in our justice system and law and order in Scotland have not been addressed in the last five years by this executive and there's nothing in this programme to suggest that these will be addressed, " she said.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | More judges set to bolster bench
Mr de la Rua's Radical party is the senior partner, the other being Frepaso, a collection of Peronist dissidents and former leftists.
ECONOMIST: Argentina’s Mr Boring plods to victory by default | The
The lower chamber of Congress has frequently served as a foil for Presidential candidates trying to distance themselves from the more radical elements in their party.
The Liberal Democrats are to propose "the most radical tax change any party has put forward in this country for generations" in their manifesto, to be published later today.
This week, the Turks went to the polls and re-elected Prime Minister Recip Erdogan and his radical Islamic AKP party to lead the country for a third term.
The party has concluded an electoral agreement with its centrist Radical Party and New Centre allies.
BBC: France in parliamentary election key to Hollande agenda
The new mayor of Milan, Giuliano Pisapia, was not the choice of Italy's biggest opposition group, the centre-left Democratic Party, but of the smaller and more radical Left, Ecology and Freedom movement, led by the governor of Puglia, Nichi Vendola.
The opposition alliance, which links Frepaso with the ancient, soft-left Radical party, called a debate in Congress.
Tomislav Nikolic had recently persuaded his Serbian Radical Party to approve the ratification of an important agreement with the European Union.