Last year, a complaint to the Buildings Department about rain water seeping into the building triggered an inspection that eventually led to the demolition order.
The new building will reuse rain water to flush the toilets and a solar electric generating system will be installed on the roof.
The rain and river water in the city state's reservoirs is being mixed with recycled waste-water from air-conditioners, sinks and toilets.
They are fashioned to capture the rain so the water will trickle down and replenish the aquifer eventually giving rise to water in the wells and bringing dead rivers back to life.
While many a professional reporter stood in the rain and flowing water to capture dramatic footage of Hurricane Sandy, some of the most powerful documentation came instead from people in their homes using their camera phones to record the storm and the chaos that ensued, such as explosions at the 14th Street power station.
FORBES: Sandy Through The Eyes of YouTube and a Drone: Falling Trees, Fires and Flooding
Among the many uncertainties, will the cholera outbreak spread because of the heavy rain, and the risk that stagnant water will incubate the disease?
But its samples were collected in July, in the low season for tourism and at the start of the monsoon when rain would help to purify the water.
Seven pumps at Wheal Jane, near Baldhu, are working at "full capacity" following the heavy rain, yet water levels have continued to rise.
BBC: Concern contaminated Wheal Jane water may pollute river
On Wednesday evening seven pumps at Wheal Jane were working at "full capacity" following the heavy rain, yet water levels were continuing to rise.
Its street level windows have been boarded-up, the glass on the clock vandalised and metal theft has allowed rain water to get in, the Victorian Society said.
One way to increase the probability of rain is to seed the formation not of water droplets, but of ice crystals, an important step in precipitation.
Meteorologist Jeff Masters notes today that although the storm surge has pushed salt water from the Gulf as far as 314 miles upstream, all the rain expected to fall north of New Orleans in the coming days will help raise near record-low water levels on the river and flush the salt water back out.
FORBES: Levee Breach Floods 800 Homes In Louisiana, And Other Notes From Isaac's Landfall
When it rains, a column of rain falls and the water drains away into holes in the floor.
The water fell as rain around 10, 000 years ago and then sank to a depth of about 2km.
However, the main road was left under under several feet of water after heavy rain resulted in the river breaching a section of the defences.
South Down MP Margaret Ritchie said the failure of two water pumps, combined with heavy rain led to the flooding.
When the first navigators came here, there were lots of holes that rain water gathered in and over time it turned the colour of brandy or whisky.
The heavy rain left a section of the courtyard at Dudley Castle under water, even though staff said the castle was one of the highest points in the region.
Hopes of a free-flowing encounter were dimmed by the grey, rain-laden skies, that left pools of water on the pitch.
From July to October, the weather is perfect for kayaking, with calm water, little rain, mild temperatures and no deadly marine stingers (such as the box jellyfish and the irukandji).
They found some of the sites under construction almost completely surrounded by water from the flooding that has followed two days of persistent rain.
Heavy rain can overwhelm the drains, forcing Thames Water, the firm that runs the network, to discharge a mix of rainwater and sewage directly into the Thames.
ECONOMIST: The capital's overflowing drains are due for a big upgrade
The groups want much more use of moors, marshes and plants to store and clean rain water, instead of allowing it to run straight into rivers and thus increase the risk of flooding.
April rain led to Jersey Water calling off the threat of water restrictions and drought.
Firefighters used pumps to clear 7, 000 litres of water a minute from the roads as rain eased.
They easily collect water from rain, rivers and the sea, and are constantly being pumped to keep nearby communities dry.
Environment Agency Wales said the rain "could lead to the possibility of excess water on road surfaces on Friday and flooding from blocked drains and small streams".
Specifically, we are working on solutions to reuse water in our operations that would otherwise be wasted and we are constructing rain water harvesting ponds by collaborating with the local authorities.
FORBES: Why PepsiCo is a Global Leader in Water Stewardship and Sustainable Agriculture
As the rain comes down, fans have taken to sliding across water-slickened tarps and muddy stretches in a makeshift slip-and-slide.