The rapid economic growth of China and India and the increased demand on natural resources skewed the old world order.
During the years of rapid economic growth, the government built transport links west of Tokyo, to Osaka and beyond.
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To them, it represents giving up on progress, especially progress in the form of rapid economic growth.
In the past, rapid economic growth and rising wages have directly translated to increases in luxury retail sales in China.
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The way to overcome this is through the competition of ideas demonstrating the far greater prosperity and gain for the people from rapid economic growth rather than redistribution.
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The American investor compared China's economic rise to the rapid growth seen in the U.S. in the 20th century with the Great Depression in the 1930s.
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Those who rely on past relationships between the monetary base and economic activity have taken the rapid growth in the base as portending very rapid inflation.
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Religious and cultural organisations can offer people meaning to life beyond the insatiable hunger for rapid economic growth.
China's Shanghai Composite Index lost 22% in 2011 as tighter government curbs on lending and investment cooled the country's rapid economic growth.
The survey will also give details of how a decade of rapid economic growth has changed the daily life of ordinary Indians, especially among the fast-growing middle class.
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Moreover, eight months into his job, he shows signs of also knowing the solution: sustained and rapid economic growth.
Chinese children born today will continue to live in a country on the path of rapid economic progress and growth.
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The figures show that the ongoing economic crisis has reversed the country's rapid population growth in the decade before the financial crisis erupted in 2008.
The U.S. government can borrow at all time low interest rates and despite the rapid increase in debt, economic growth is sluggish but not disastrous.
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These super jumbos were designed with the anticipation that rapid and sustained economic growth, coupled with constraints in airport infrastructure will force airlines to increase airplane capacities on several routes.
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Since she came to power in 2006, the president, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, has brought stability and rapid economic growth, but her country faces a dilemma on the involvement of foreign multinationals in the country.
Rapid economic growth since the advent of the reform era in 1978, when annual per capita disposable incomes were less than 600 RMB.
Such sustained, rapid economic growth is the ultimate solution to poverty.
Mr Putin succeeded in doing so for more than a decade partly because of rapid economic growth on the back of large real rises in oil prices.
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The U.S.' demographic vitality will allow it to emerge from the current economic doldrums with more rapid growth than Europe--continuing a trend that has generally held for most of the past two decades.
But commodities firms of all stripes argue that rapid economic growth in the developing world will boost demand for their wares for years to come and so help them to escape from the industry's typical boom-and-bust cycles.
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Caterpillar was no stranger to those benefits, noting the rapid growth of industrial production in emerging market and projecting that global economic growth of 3.5% in 2011 will be outpaced by developing markets growth of 6.5%.
He tamed hyperinflation, opened up the economy and launched two decades of rapid economic growth.
Why aren't they substantially boosting capital expenditures, especially given rapid global economic growth and the dazzling opportunities technology is opening up?
Sustained, rapid economic growth is also the ultimate solution to poverty.
America needs a sustained period of rapid economic growth to create the 25 million good, full-time jobs required to get the nation to true full employment.
Companies in the South Asian nation, despite its rapid economic growth in recent years, have often been faced with tough labor issues because of archaic laws and company policies on hiring and retrenchment.
Sustained, rapid economic growth is also the ultimate solution to poverty, as after a couple of decades or so of such growth, the poor would climb to the same living standards as the middle class of today.
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This survey will explore the many ways in which China's rapid economic development is affecting the rest of the world, from jobs and growth to oil prices and inflation.