• The simplicity of the system is underscored on the receiving side.

    CNN: Make your e-mail disappear

  • Volume levels also troubled us on the receiving side.

    ENGADGET: BlackBerry Z10 review Mobile

  • Celeno's CL1300 is the first solution of its kind to use 802.11 4x4 Implicit Beam Forming MIMO transmission technology to boost range and robustness independent of the receiving side Wi-Fi chipset technology (even single stream, single antenna Wi-Fi clients).

    ENGADGET: Celeno and Cavium team up for WiFi-based wireless HDMI solution

  • On the taxpayer side, receiving a bill online is more convenient and allows for prompt payment.

    FORBES: You've Got Mail: E-Bills for Taxes Could Be Headed Your Way

  • In both, the photographs (all of young men) were assigned by computer to one side of the conversation or the other, with each side receiving two black and two white men.

    ECONOMIST: The origins of racism

  • Although there may be electoral advantage in appearing tougher on terrorism than their opposition counterparts, neither the home secretary, Charles Clarke, nor Tony Blair can have enjoyed the kind of criticism, much of it from their own side, they have been on the receiving end of this week.

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot

  • Ulster again killed the ball under pressure, receiving a severe talking to from referee Peter Allan as the home side chose to ignore the kick at goal and go for the try.

    BBC: Scarlets 25-8 Ulster

  • Almost immediately, the FDA started receiving reports from patients that claimed the 300mg dose was being associated with side effects and reduced efficacy.

    FORBES: A Drug Recall That Should Frighten Us All About The FDA

  • On the one side those paying (and receiving) large sums say there is an international market in executive talent and thus the amounts paid should be determined by that international market.

    FORBES: Apple Pays Another Englishman $56 Million

  • But where the referral trial is in effect, the batsman on the receiving end of the umpire's original decision or the captain of the fielding side can appeal by making a "T" sign with both forearms at shoulder height.

    BBC: Referrals change for England tour

  • Grant said the firm is receiving requests from big buy-side firms to provide assistance with auto-pricing and liquidity.

    FORBES: Delivering Transparency To Fixed Income Markets

  • And if we require that only healthy foods or the healthier type of foods be purchased, then we will have cost savings on the other side, which is Medicaid and Medicare, where many of the same people are receiving benefits there for diabetes and high cholesterol and all of these things that come from eating unhealthily.

    NPR: Child Hunger: Nutritious Food Tough To Afford

  • Patients receiving the new drug treatments in clinical trials experienced side effects including headache, nausea and fatigue.

    WSJ: Hepatitis C Dilemma: Treat Illness With Interferon Now or Wait?

  • Still, a press release from the National Institutes of Health said that life-threatening or fatal bleeding, mainly from the lungs, was the most common side effect, and was more common in patients receiving Avastin than just chemotherapy.

    FORBES: Genentech's Rite Of Spring

  • In November, defense attorney Ellis Johnston argued before a different federal judge that the side effects of the psychotropic drugs his client had been receiving during his court-ordered treatment may interfere with Loughner's ability to work with his attorneys.


  • Patients receiving the vaccine did not need to be hospitalised, and the only side effects they suffered were some flu-like symptoms and several days of redness and itching where the injection was given.

    BBC: Prostate cancer vaccine success

  • To one side stood a photo of a youthful Harouni in a receiving line shaking the hand of Jawaharlal Nehru.

    NEWYORKER: In Other Rooms, Other Wonders

  • "We, the family, are supporting each other here at Maria's side and we take great comfort from the remarkable medical care she has been receiving, " her sister Isabel said in a statement released by the Russian-owned team.

    CNN: Female F1 driver's family touched by support

  • Smith admits that many of the Saltires' largely amateur side will opt to continue in their chosen careers, while still receiving retainer payments for their services on the field under existing agreements.

    BBC: Scots & Irish stars could go pro

  • I'm simply saying that the notion that two of the 10 companies represented here are receiving assistance played a role in the other eight agreeing on something that they have generally been on the opposite side of for the better part of 20 years, I just don't think that makes sense.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Patients treated with the NovoTTF-100A System experienced a slightly higher incidence of neurological side effects including convulsions and headaches compared to patients receiving chemotherapy.

    ENGADGET: Portable brain tumor treatment system kills cancer while you take out the trash

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