Humans have around 100, 000 genes, each one encoding, in DNA, the recipe for a unique protein.
He bought the plant in 2005 and started perfecting the recipe for Greek-style yogurt.
We scrolled through the recipe choices and settled on the yummy-sounding Farmer's Market Vegetarian Quesadillas.
Disappointed but not surprised, I moved onto the meat of the matter: the recipe itself.
But one ingredient never leaves the recipe: their passion for making fresh delicious desserts.
The recipe was developed by the late Joseph Owades, a biochemist in Sonoma, Calif.
But I think the recipe for success is the one that you are already following.
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We all know the recipe for corporate success: set your goals, then execute on them.
That sounds to me like the recipe for business success that every investor is looking for.
The 86 Co tested the recipe in classic gin drinks before settling on a final formula.
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I'm beginning to bake with my senses and my memory instead of with the recipe.
They should medal in shooting, where the recipe for success also includes intense discipline and practice.
This sort of stripped-down handling of ingredients appeals to the recipe's creator, Charleston, S.C.
WSJ: Sean Brock's Beet, Strawberry and Sorrel Salad | Slow Food Fast
But if you are looking for some good down-home cookin', Famous Dave has the recipe.
Here's the recipe -- straight from the secret recipe file in Jason's avocado-shaped noggin.
Combine a favourable critical notice with scarcity, and you have the recipe for high prices.
No matter what your taste, this escape holds the recipe for one invigorating getaway.
Inside it, courtesy of his mystery companion, lay the recipe for the secret sauce.
But ideological stubbornness may be just one ingredient in the recipe for congressional paralysis.
And do you agree a liberal arts background could be the recipe for corporate leadership success?
Genomics proper is concerned with identifying genes, the snippets of DNA that encode the recipe for proteins.
The recipe seemed like a cinch, calling for just a handful of ingredients and a cast-iron skillet.
It will take different technologies in the future, but getting the recipe is the first big step.
While the recipe is not new, the implementation is vital if Poland's manufacturing sector is to thrive.
In essence, the difference is that between the recipe for a dish and a list of ingredients.
And what do these great Americans have in mind as the recipe to cure our national ills?
The recipe for the Vesper has changed since Fleming frequented the bar, mainly because the original ingredients have gone extinct.
There's no menu, each of the bar staff holding the recipe to 680 cocktails in his head.
The recipe by which Americans have prospered lies not in some sort of state action but in opportunity.
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"It's a glorified recipe, but it's the obvious nature of the recipe that makes it vulnerable, " Cotter says.