In 2008, his first Olympics as head coach, Team USA was nicknamed theRedeemTeam, and the U.S. team in 2012 was so loaded that it earned comparisons to the 1992 Dream Team.
Playing against the might of the U.S. -- this time dubbed the"Redeem Team" following the disappointment of Athens 2004 -- he scored 22 points in 18 minutes of court time.
Had Alastair Cook failed again I think England would had to have made a change but now I think they will give the same team a chance to redeem themselves.
That was hardly a recipe for the sort of confidence some Welsh fans and pundits were displaying ahead of the clash with Australia, a team honour-bound by national tradition to do all in their power to redeem themselves in the eyes of a hyper-critical public and media.
The intention is that United MileagePlus members will redeem their miles for tickets to their favorite NFL or NBA team and that ScoreBig will bolster its business through the influx of a new batch of consumers.