The reformer Ida Tarbell went to Highland Park planning to expose the oppressive Ford system.
Arguably, Mr Chirac, at 68, is a bit old to play the reformer convincingly.
In the meantime, Palin the reformer had been caught up in her own scandal, known as Troopergate.
He's a professor at the College of Mexico and a political and social analyst for the Reformer newspaper.
"What you have is a war and a history that the younger Iranians do not know about or remember, so they know less about him and see him as the reformer he says that he is, " Hunter said.
Last week he proclaimed without warning a quite different, and much tougher, agenda urged on him by Anatoly Chubais, the leading reformer in the government.
The most prominent reformer in the previous Russian government, Anatoly Chubais, has been made chief executive of the country's electricity monopoly, Unified Energy Systems.
Denmark, the most consistent reformer in the region, is more circumspect.
The one pedigreed reformer in the senior leadership, Russian Finance Minister Fyodorov , was in Washington at the time and was apparently taken completely by surprise.
Another of Sellers's shows championed Constance Spry, the social reformer, author and florist who educated millions of British people on the art of beautifying their homes in the mid-20th century.
By contrast, the former New Jersey senator compared himself to insurgent GOP candidate John McCain, saying that between himself and Gore, he is the true reformer.
Because hydrogen can clean the exhaust right from a cold engine start, the plasma reformer method is 20% to 50% more efficient at reducing NOx than other clean-diesel technologies, allowing less unburned fuel to pass through in the process.
The plasmatron, whose official name is the plasma fuel reformer, is an aluminum canister about the size of a Big Gulp drink.
But his career would finally be crowned with success if he were to be the Christian Democratic reformer who helped a Social Democratic one to reshape the country.
But Wirahadikusumah won points with the public by styling himself as a reformer advocating the armed forces' retreat from politics.
He then paid tribute to the 19th-Century educational reformer Jules Ferry and the Nobel Prize-winning chemist Marie Curie.
On the positive side, Mr Bush can claim to be a genuine reformer in the vital matter of education.
Working with scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ArvinMeritor researchers found an answer: the plasma fuel reformer, or plasmatron.
Mr. Murdoch subsequently formalized Mr. Klein's role at the center of the response to the crisis, announcing that he had selected the former education reformer to "provide important oversight and guidance" and that Mr. Klein, along with News Corp. board member Viet Dinh, would keep the board apprised.
In 1962, he served as a consultant during the pivotal Vatican II council to Cardinal Frings, a reformer who was the archbishop of Cologne, Germany.
CNN: Pope Benedict to resign at the end of the month, Vatican says
Within the Democratic Party, he had the id of a regular and the superego of a reformer.
Mrs Palin is not quite the pork-busting reformer that her supporters claim.
Over the past several days, the McCain campaign has been questioned about the Palins' business dealings and political affiliations, and the governor's reformer record.
Over the past several days, the McCain campaign has been questioned about the Palins' business dealings and political affiliations, and what the governor calls her reformer record.
But a leading reformer says the apparent contradiction is dangerous.
The 76-year-old from Buenos Aires is the first Pope to take the name of Francis - reminiscent of Francis of Assisi, the 13th Century Italian reformer and patron saint of animals, who lived in poverty.
While Gordon Brown is seen as a bureaucratic centraliser, determined to bludgeon the public services into producing the outputs he requires, it is Mr Blair who is credited with being the would-be reformer, if an insufficiently dogged one.