As Willem-Alexander was sworn in as king of the Netherlands on Tuesday, the crown sat on a table next to him, along with the other regalia that make up the crown jewels.
In the colorful regalia he might wear to a powwow, Mr. Box danced to the rhythm of hums, drums and an eagle-bone whistle.
Police have not yet been able to substantiate the reports of the alleged KKK regalia sighting.
The company has now changed its policy and said it would not charge for military regalia within the 20kg baggage limit.
Back in the office, still in full Elmo regalia, I made my way to the desk of Fleming Meeks, the executive editor of Barron's.
Veterans flying from Exeter could not afford the fee so left regalia behind, he said.
Mushers and their dogs often don festive regalia at the noncompetitive ceremonial start while also toting warmly bundled "Iditariders" in their sleds.
Brendan was in full Red Sox regalia, wearing the number seven jersey of his favorite player, Trot Nixon.
The flight attendants were effectively Giants cheerleaders, clad in the team's red-and-blue regalia, and they chanted and clapped in rhythm to welcome the players on to the plane.
For those interested in this field but averse to private collecting, the best place to see militia regalia is Old Sturbridge Village ( in Sturbridge, Mass.
Local observers from Zimbabwe Election Support Network, Zesn, who were accused of supporting MDC, were not spared either as some were forced to put on Zanu-PF regalia in Karoi at the weekend.
Mr. Baron Cohen was invited to the Oscars to support the much-nominated "Hugo, " but didn't attend the actual ceremony because the Academy objected to him wearing his military regalia.
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Some of those training at Bordeaux's school and pumping iron on the beach may one day make it onto the professional wrestling circuit, earning the right to wear the wrestler's traditional pre-fight regalia.
New York) and lavish interiors (including the Smoking Room replete with dandys in full Monopoly regalia!
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Whether that means full business regalia or tasteful business casual attire may depend on the occasion or the client, of course, seldom does someone become the topic for water cooler conversation for dressing well, while the converse may be true.
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The sci-fi script, billed as a "cosmic conflagration" for the benefit of the Hollywood trade press, gets a reading by actors in full regalia at a Beverly Hills hotel during a set piece that's staged with a delightfully straight face.
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Yes, yes, I know: Brooklyn is geographically part of Long Island, and that means that the Islanders will keep their name and their logo, a comfort, I am sure, to all of those Isles-regalia-sporting fans who will, in a few years, need to decide whether the charms of a brand-new arena are enough to beckon them westward to watch their team play.