If Vice President Al Gore were the Democratic Party's candidate and Texas Gov. George W. Bush were the Republican party's candidate, as of today, do you lean more toward Gore, the Democrat or Bush, the Republican?
They were trying to sell McCain as the establishment Republican Party candidate, and that's just not him.
We saw this play itself out in November in New York's 23rd congressional district when the Republican candidate chosen by party leaders was forced out of the race after a conservative candidate who didn't know a darn thing about the issues in the district captured the fancy of the Tea Party renegades, and almost won the seat.
The state Republican Party would choose another candidate to run against McCaskill, considered one of the most vulnerable senators in the country.
Everyone agrees that the grass-roots insurrection against the Republican Party's official candidate means something significant, but exactly what it means depends on who's asked.
Meanwhile, former Bronx borough president Adolfo Carrion is unaffiliated but running as the Independence Party's candidate and seeking the Republican nomination.
He seemed relieved that McCain, rather than Romney, appears destined to win the nomination, and made the argument that McCain was the only candidate who could broaden the Republican Party.
He has funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Republican Party to support his handpicked candidate by attacking me on TV.
In his opinion, Mr Buchanan's main drawback is that he appeals to conservatives - and the Republican Party already has a conservative candidate in George W Bush running with a very conservative vice-presidential nominee.
Mr Armitage also characterised the description by Mr Romney - his own Republican party's candidate - of Russia as the principal threat to US security as, "incomprehensible".
Gordon Smith has a - Republican incumbent Gordon Smith has a conservative third party candidate that's hurting the Republican in Oregon as well.
Al Taubenberger is the candidate of the Republican Party, which hasn't elected a mayor of Philly in more than a half-century.
Even so, immigration remained a toxic issue in the Republican Party's primaries, in which almost every candidate vied to be tougher than the next on illegal immigration.
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The other leading Republican is Steve Levy, a Long Island politician, who left the Democratic party in March to run as a Republican candidate.
In complete disarray, the Republican Party went outside the state and recruited Allan Keyes to run as its candidate.
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Moreover, they add, Sarah Palin, the former Republican vice-presidential candidate and a leading light of the tea-party movement, who heads the campaign outfit in question, often resorts to martial slogans.
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Bush and the head of the Florida Republican Party, Al Cardenas, met with Gallagher earlier in the week to urge him to switch after the Republican candidate for insurance commissioner dropped out of the race.
CNN: Florida Republican drops Senate bid, clearing way for McCollum
Unpledged delegates in the Republican Party do not have to indicate a candidate preference, but a majority are elected just like pledged delegates.
CNN: Newt Gingrich Results - Primaries - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from
Jindal, on the other hand, is a rising star of the Republican Party and frequently mentioned as a possible presidential candidate.
She made a spectacular intervention in the recent congressional election in upstate New York by rejecting the official Republican and backing a third-party conservative candidate.
ECONOMIST: Sarah Palin and the state of the Republican Party
Some of these social conservatives are nonetheless so appalled by Mr Giuliani that they threaten to back a third-party candidate if he wins the Republican nomination.
What this tells the pundits (and me) is that the Republican candidate, whoever it is, will be heavily invested in Tea Party support.
AP, ABC, NBC, CNN and Fox are projecting that Republican and Tea Party candidate Rand Paul has won the Kentucky Senatorial race.
And, if Mr Bush does win in Florida, the Republican Party will have an example of how to position its presidential candidate in 2000: a candidate who, with the warped justice that taunts siblings, may well turn out to be the other Governor Bush.
It marks the start of the six-month period during which each US state will hold primary elections or caucuses to pick a Republican candidate, who will be officially nominated at the party convention in August.
It's an effort by the Republican Party to damage the person most likely to be the next Democratic presidential candidate.
On March 21st, the candidate of the right-wing National Republican Alliance (Arena) party, Tony Saca, won by a wide margin in El Salvador's presidential election.
ECONOMIST: El Salvador's election: Keeping to the right | The
His sister, Betsy DeVos, has served as chair of the Michigan Republican Party, and her husband, Dick DeVos, was an unsuccessful Republican candidate for governor of Michigan in 2006.
After West Virginia, only a handful of primary contests remain before the Democratic Party officially declares at its August convention who will take on presumptive Republican candidate John McCain in November.