The planned factory is just one of 14 Chrysler assembly plants in North America, so the results of the experiment--good or bad--aren't likely to significantly affect company profits.
On Thursday, a week later, it inched further toward a long-term deal with Google because the companies are pleased with the initial results of the experiment, according to The Wall Street Journal.
This will be the first results of the Experiment in Haiti where it will be conducted in 2 schools.
And you would think that after the results of this experiment in trickle-down economics, after the results were made painfully clear, that the proponents of this theory might show some humility, might moderate their views a bit.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at the Associated Press Luncheon
Countries considering changing their first-past-the post system had been alarmed by the results of the New Zealand experiment.
Yap of Columbia University detail the results of an experiment in which forty-two male and female participants were randomly assigned to a high- or low-power pose group.
Children all around the world will have the opportunity to upload the results of their investigations to an official website, making this initiative a Global Chemistry Experiment, and eventually, the biggest chemistry experiment ever.
However, the results of this experiment, expected by summer 2007, could show how nature periodically sticks her oar in.
If it emerges as still present in the results of your experiment, you are far more likely to have discovered something of potential value.
The results of this experiment contradict four decades of crime-control orthodoxy.
The results of their experiment are there for all to see.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at the Associated Press Luncheon
While JDate doesn't publicly release its algorithms, at the time of my experiment I observed that the more popular profiles come up higher in search results, allowing one to get a quick-and-dirty ranking of who's hot (or not).
The Credo study has been criticised for not comparing the results of children who have won charter-school lotteries with those who have not a natural experiment in which the only difference between winners and losers should be the schooling they receive.
Thousands of students have already uploaded their results in a shared database, making this the largest shared global experiment.
Repeating my experiment with over 50 mosquitoes for each group, my results were consistent in proving the effectiveness of my repellent.
FORBES: Mosquitoes And Malaria In India Are No Match For This Teen Girl Scientist