That is the right of the corporation to claim a loss on the sale of its assets and get cash back from the government from a loss carryback.
And he says even most of the Israeli right wing has accepted the Palestinians' claim to some of the disputed land.
She said people in Mr Lamhoud's position were taking great risks, and that the "pink card" - giving the right to remain pending the processing of a claim - offered no long-term security.
Markoff recounts the story of another cyclist who used data from a similar device to prove that a distracted female driver had plowed into him when he had the right of way (rather than her claim that he darted in front of her).
And second, because under the terms of the 1951 United Nations convention on refugees, a person has the right to claim asylum only if he is outside his country of nationality.
But, as opinion polls have found, and Mr Netanyahu apparently missed, a good half of the country was uncomfortable with his decision to exercise that claim right now, at Har Homa, in the teeth of Palestinian, other Arab and international opposition.
Not calling one, however, risks alienating public opinion (around 80% of people say they want a vote), throwing away the hard-won support of the right-wing press and undermining Mr Brown's claim to be a more consensual leader than his predecessor.
Without opining on the merits of the claim, the Fourth Circuit said the railroad had the right to bring the case to trial.
All existing EU states can impose transitional restrictions for up to seven years on the right of residents of eight of the 10 new EU member states to work and claim benefits.
Hibs' Alan Gow turned well on the edge of the box and swept a shot towards goal and Ruddy leapt to his right claim the ball minutes before the break.
For example, it is neither right nor necessary to claim that the integrity of the single market, or full membership of the European Union requires the working hours of British hospital doctors to be set in Brussels irrespective of the views of British parliamentarians and practitioners.
Ultimately, we need to move beyond the tired debates of the left and the right, between business leaders and environmentalists, between those who would claim drilling is a cure all and those who would claim it has no place.
David Graham's pass allowed Offiong to claim the ball inside the right corner of the penalty area.
But as a partner on the ISS programme, and following an agreement to extend space station operations until 2020, Europe has the right to claim a long-duration ISS residency of six months roughly every two years.
BBC: Major Tim Peake says he is not too old to go into space
The media coverage observed that the drinks industry disputed the statistical basis for this claim, but offered little in the way of explaining why, or who might be right and for what reasons.
FORBES: Minimum Pricing, Maximum Confusion: Should Governments Fix The Price Of Booze?
Some critics of Netanyahu from the Right like Ariel Mayor Ron Nachman claim that it may well be time to begin bringing down Netanyahu's government.
But the families of Holocaust victims do not see it as such: those who claim from the fund forfeit their right to sue the company in future.
And as Barcelona's name was carved on the giant trophy at the final whistle, with the celebrations of the Catalan fans a sharp contrast to the subdued Manchester United supporters, there was no doubting their right to claim Europe's elite trophy for the third time.
However, Stokes handed Hibs a lifeline with a neat right-footed finish to claim his 16th goal of the season.
The First Amendment claim was similarly an argument that his right to freedom of association was unconstitutionally infringed by virtue of the threat of criminal prosecution for mere non-criminal membership.
AutEx was founded by my father, rolled out right at the dawn of the computer age in 1968, and can truly claim to be the first eCommerce business: the first computer network used to make money.
FORBES: Bloomberg Isn't The Only Company Able To Spy On Users
Often, to get an annulment, one of the participants must claim that they weren't in their right mind, so to speak.
They claim the Marshall Islands government has no right to bargain away the rights of indigenous inhabitants of Kwajalein, who were moved by the Americans to nearby Ebeye in the 1960s.
That judgment went further than a High Court ruling of 1992, known as the Mabo case, which established that aborigines had the right to claim native title to traditional lands, something never recognised before.
ECONOMIST: The aboriginal patterns that haunt Australia | The
However, the company says that in a number of these cases it only needs to change the wording of its claim to meet regulations, and that in all instances it has the right to respond to the US regulatory body's objections.
Nicholson has his base of support in the West and Pauken, a staunch conservative, can claim support from right-wing conservatives and from Southern members.
Simon McKay, solicitor advocate for Les Balkwell, Lee's father, said the claim was based on Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights which concerns right to life.
He blamed "tax write offs" and a "review of image right payments" and went on to claim other Super League clubs were in the same position.
Because the majority of these arrangements are informal, carers often have no automatic right to financial support for the children's upkeep or are not informed of what support they are entitled to claim, says the report by the University of Bristol.
BBC: Poor support for family carers unacceptable says minister
Of course, the private-equity groups claim that they have stockpicking and management skills, selecting the right companies to buy and then transforming them by judicious cost-cutting and investment.