"Even though we drive a Porsche, planes still have the right of way, " he said.
When they feel it spinning they know they have the right of way.
Cows have the right of way here, so hitting one can cost you.
In a city where many drivers take stoplights as mere suggestions and the person with the right of way tends to be the bigger or gutsier, cycling can be a harrowing endeavour.
An investigation by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found there were no designated crossing points on the road, and nothing to segregate pedestrians and vehicles or guide on who had the right of way.
Markoff recounts the story of another cyclist who used data from a similar device to prove that a distracted female driver had plowed into him when he had the right of way (rather than her claim that he darted in front of her).
Parts of the wall were always open to the public, but large parts had crumbled and the complete right of way had disappeared.
Only 5% of doctors questioned had been given some form of training about the right way of seeking consent.
"We've had our field services team out on the 5km of right of way, the circular route, clearing trees to get it all open, " he said.
If that were done in the right kind of way, you would probably, over time, maybe before the end of his term, maybe at the end of his term, want to have an entirely new team that would give you a new culture of honesty and accountability and transparency.
And we believe that with Israelis and the Palestinian Authority coming together, making clear that a peaceful, non-violent solution that recognizes both the security needs of Israel as well as the legitimate aspirations of Palestinians is the right way to go, can yield real progress in the coming months.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with Palestinian President Abbas
Now it comes down to this: If 218 Members of the House vote the right way, 98% of American families and 97% of small business owners will have the certainty of knowing that that their income taxes will not go up next year.
Well I think there are lots of things that need at least looking at, one is is the venue still right in view of the way that it's grown.
Now is the moment to go to the country, they say: the polls are edging the right way and hints of economic recovery are in the air.
When the tide is low I take the old railroad right-of-way close to the water.
Those magazines are going to be quicker and smarter out of the gate, and right now Wired is way out in front of the pack.
Hurd had taken HP to the biggest tech company in the world, an arguable contender against both IBM and Cisco, and a model for the rest of the industry about the right way to do mergers and carry out efficient execution.
We can't give teachers the right kind of support because there's no way to distinguish the right kind from the wrong kind.
What about mother nature, and the right of kids raised that way to know their true origin?
"I would warn Orlando that you're right in the way of serious hurricanes, and I don't think I'd be waving those flags in God's face if I were you, " he told viewers.
It would be I think a great gift to the American people if, upon reflection over the recess, members of Congress -- Republicans in particular -- decided that cooperation was the right way to go for the sake of the economy.
In Biogen Idec's story is one of the biggest lessons of biotech: Betting on the right drug goes a long way.
More of the women with moxibustion had babies born the right way round, head down, than in either of the other two groups.
FORBES: What If They Published a Science Journal Where Every Result was Wrong?
The second issue is whether The Atlantic handled this particular piece of sponsor content in the right way.
FORBES: The Atlantic On That Scientology Advertorial: 'We Screwed Up'
The experience has highlighted one of the core underpinnings of our brand: With a great product, the right strategy, and a smart way to connect with our target customers, Turn was confident at our moment of decision.
Miss Ashbrook, who is chairwoman of the Ramblers' Association, led the campaign to re-open the 140-year-old right of way, which had been blocked for more than a decade.
The Westminster government insists the pulling together of children's services was the right way to safeguard children and provide joined-up services.
And that is just not the approach that the broad base of the American public feels is the right way to go.