But both countries, like all others in Europe, have the right to choose their own friends.
"Roe was about the right to choose, " Casey told CNN prior to the order being signed.
CNN: Texas parents agree not to pressure teen to have abortion
As chief of the navy, he felt he had the right to choose his own second-in-command.
Women have struggled for a long time for the right to choose what they do with their bodies.
The ULD would also have the right to choose half of the cabinet.
As a result consumers, and increasingly farmers, are exercising the right to choose.
They wanted the right to choose pupils of the highest ability, while others felt the plans were not radical enough.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Minister receives 11-plus report
The Alabama law that established the 457 plan grants ASEA the right to choose the plan provider for state employees.
Turner reserves the right to choose another winner in the event the chosen winner cannot be contacted within a reasonable time.
Of those supporting a change in the law, 82% agreed that an "individual has the right to choose when and how to die".
It is a simple matter of justice: The right to choose goes a long way toward ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women.
There is tremendous promise for what this generation can achieve, and where it wants to lead the conversation about the right to choose.
We introduced them because adults should be given the right to choose what they do in their leisure time and with their income.
Fueling the trend is a simple fact: people want the right to choose their mobile device, and to use it for both personal and business reasons.
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Rod Blagojevich, a man most people would no longer trust to appoint a dog catcher, has the right to choose Mr Obama's successor in the Senate.
But it seems possible that the rules will include a presumption of innocence, the need for proof beyond reasonable doubt, and the right to choose your counsel.
It is popularly believed that education laws passed by the previous government abolished rigid catchment areas and gave parents the right to choose where their children go to school.
Of more than 400, 000 defendants a year with the right to choose a jury trial, only 18, 500 do so and this number has halved in the past 10 years.
It included the right to choose your own doctor.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: The Patient��s Bill of Rights and Health Reform | The White House
"The U.S. government has the right to choose what contractors it chooses, but Iraq should also have the right to allow or ban certain contractors from operating on its territory, " he said.
While there are elements of women in each country that choose to be religiously pious, there are also liberal groups of women who want the right to choose to be secular and not wear the veil.
"I think the majority of the population think that if somebody has got a foetus that, if born, will have a severe disability they should have the right to choose whether or not to continue with that pregnancy, " she said.
BBC: Abortion law: David Cameron has 'no plans' for new rules
In 2006, Labour gave patients the right to choose where to be treated for routine surgery, introduced a fixed price for many procedures carried out in hospitals, and allowed those that balanced their books the right to become more independent Foundation Trusts.
The whole reason that we embrace the ethical principle of the right to choose is that it goes some way to ensuring that a woman's biology does not come to define her life in a way that would never happen to men.
But I hope that we could understand also that in most cases, the president of the United States -- and I felt this way when President Clinton was president -- should have the right to choose members of his team and people he feels can best employ his philosophy.
If we were talking about a law that mandated firms must give workers the right to choose how many days of vacation they received, would conservatives be applauding it as an increase in worker freedom, or criticizing it as the state intervening in the right to freedom of contract?
Presenting his Devolution (Time) Bill to the Lords on 1 July 2011, Lord Tanlaw said that Holyrood and the Welsh Assembly should be given the "right to choose" whether to change the clocks in their nations, highlighting that Northern Ireland already had the power to do so.
The best way to increase your chances of reaching the top is to choose the right department to join.
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"He has the constitutional right to choose to be re-elected, " Mr Garcia Linera said in Bolivia's main city, La Paz.
BBC: Bolivia: New law backs President Evo Morales third term