They were indulging in the rite of passage of dancing around the statue in the middle of the square and getting squiffy.
Study after study has shown that young people are delaying the traditional rite of passage of launching out on their own and starting families.
For many folks, the SAT is a rite of passage and is the common yardstick people use, for better or worse, in comparing their scores to the scores of their friends, parents and siblings.
"Having a failed business in the US is like a rite of passage, " said Mark Simon, founder of networking company The Chemistry.
Hiking and then skiing the bowl is practically a rite of passage for serious skiers headed to Aspen.
FORBES: Why Aspen & Snowmass Is This Season's Hot Ski Destination
The wedding has shifted from a rite of passage to a vehicle for self-expression.
Rohini was spared the full extent of my particular rite of passage and has always been known as Rita.
As a rite of passage, the record-breaking Red Bull event built pent-up attention at least twice as we waited for the balloon to launch Baumgartner into space.
Sadly, for four nights in August, drinking viche was a necessary evil, a rite of passage in the same way that cheap keg beer is a part of university and getting hit in the groin is a disagreeable consequence of riding a mechanical bull.
This willingness to flout the rules for the sake of being hip sets today's generation apart from predecessors, who accepted the personality-stifling garb as an obligatory rite of passage.
Getting a driver's license is a rite of passage for many teenagers, but the process was a bit more challenging for 19-year-old Mulligan of Acworth, Georgia.
Camping out for tickets for the games against UNC and Maryland in Krzyzewskiville on the muddy ground outside of Cameron Indoor Stadium is a rite of passage, as important a requirement for earning a Duke diploma as your 34 class credits.
The Vanuatu men of the Pentecost Islands climb a rickety 98-ft. tower, tie vines to their ankles and dive to the ground at speeds exceeding 45 mph as both a harvest ritual and rite of passage to manhood.
This rite was accompanied by a reading of Matthew 16, which is the passage where Jesus changes the name of his disciple Simon to Peter and hands him the keys to heaven.