We want to create the road map of the future of adult stem cell research.
The road map has already proven a futile and potentially dangerous diversion from that path.
The road map shows that some of that conference's ambitions still resonate in Brussels.
The ceasefire could yet be saved and progress on the road map could resume.
In summary, the road map is a three-phase blueprint for ending the conflict in 2005.
Mr Powell, however, maintained that America did not plan to rewrite or renegotiate the road map.
Mr Abbas does have majority support for the road map among his Fatah movement, say Palestinian sources.
Outside the convention there are thousands of protesters who hold the road map to change and prosperity.
There is certainly the capacity here and the road map here for what Congress needs to do.
If all goes well, the Israelis and Palestinians could soon return to making progress along the road map.
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The first is political - they say that it undermines the Road Map which Israel signed up to six years ago.
Of the 5, 720 workers balloted 63% voted to accept the road map deal, with 37% opposed to the measures.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | West Midlands | Land Rover workers accept changes
For his part, Mr Sharon dislikes the road map's deliberate ambiguity on the future status of Mr Arafat's leadership.
The road map was drafted last year by diplomats from America, the European Union, the United Nations and Russia.
Mr Abbas and his cabinet endorsed the road map in full, and America urged the same from Mr Sharon.
The appointment of Mr Abbas was part of a reform of the Palestinian Authority (PA) demanded by the road map.
Leverett, a former CIA officer came to Israel with Undersecretary of State William Burns last month to discuss the road map.
But he needs some sort of super sat nav, because the road map isn't working, whichever way you hold it up.
Mr Bush's decision to take an active role in the new peace process has at least given the road map impetus.
Achieving a temporary ceasefire, even a partial and fragile one, is a necessary though insufficient condition for the road map to proceed.
In the face of criticism from hardliners, Mr Sharon has mounted a strong defence of his decision to accept the road map.
Leaders of the PA, old and new, are united behind the road map and say it must be implemented and not negotiated.
The new Palestinian prime minister had previously maintained that any meeting with Mr Sharon was conditional on Israel accepting the road map.
Ignoring all these inconvenient facts, Blair called on the Olmert-Livni-Peretz government to renew negotiations with Abbas on the basis of the road map.
Mr Arafat has been warned that, should he topple Mr Abbas, he would lose what little engagement America still has with the road map.
For its part, Israel "must meet its responsibilities under the road map and help create conditions for a democratic Palestinian state to emerge, " she said.
The road map for that route is called the Kadlec Curve.
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She said political settlements will be based on the road map for Middle East peace backed by the United States, the European Union, Russia and the United Nations.
The beginning of peace and hope, what announced today in addition to being the implementation of the first article of the road map that was established by the quartet.
Without Israel's acceptance of the road map, Mr Abbas cannot even begin to try to deliver what is expected of the Palestinians, says Ghassan Khatib, the PA labour minister.