These have traditionally played the role of water-catchment areas, absorbing any overflow from the river.
This latest edition, Water in a Changing World, emphasizes the role of water in development and economic growth.
UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO :: International Water Day 2009 - Transboundary water
Now scientists peering below the surface have uncovered the first evidence of underground channels apparently created by flooding a finding that's expected to further illuminate the role of water in Mars' history.
The panel on water security highlighted the key role of water in achieving sustainable development goals and moving towards a green economy.
The interview, conducted by Mr. Bert Diphoorn, UN-Water vice chair, shed light on international water strategy and policy and the effectiveness of collaboration to achieve water sustainability and to meet global demand for potable water, as well as on the role of the water-food-energy nexus in sustainable growth.
The participants stressed the central role of water in ensuring sustainable development, public health, poverty alleviation and combating the effects of climate change.
"The role of liquid water on Mars is of great importance for its habitability and this study using Mars Express describes a very large zone where groundwater was present for a long time, " said Olivier Witasse, a project scientist with ESA's Mars Express.
MSN: New proof that water existed underground on ancient Mars
Moreover, the role of deep-water circulation on the growth and distribution of ferromanganese nodules is still under debate.
Just as water scarcity and security are not issues confined to the water sector but are really societal issues, the role of wetlands in ensuring the security of water supply is also a matter of societal choice.
Within the framework of the World Water Week 2012, UNESCO organizes a seminar to officially announce and inform about the activities foreseen for the UN International Year of Water Cooperation 2013 for which UNESCO has been assigned the role of lead Agency by UN Water.
UNESCO: Detailview | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
While EU officials say the deal offered to the United States would not water down the role of the ICC, it nevertheless has failed to bridge the rift with America.
The Multi One Attitude Foundation will install a Water Pavilion in the heart of the Race Village in each port of call, in order to draw the attention of the general public and educate future generations about water preservation, highlighting the role of UNESCO in this area both with respect to the ocean and freshwater.
The Foundation is also installing a Water Pavilion in the heart of the Race Village in Brest, in order to draw the attention of the general public and educate future generations about water preservation and ocean pollution, highlighting the role of UNESCO both with respect to the ocean and freshwater.
We constantly underestimate the role of wetlands as basic water management elements within the supply and regulation process upon which humanity depends.
Their role in water cycles is integral to water resource management from the level of a local pond right up to trans-national river basins.
These conferences also emphasize the importance of education at different levels for enhanced awareness on the key role that water has in human life.
UNESCO: Programa Hidrol��gico Internacional: Water and Education
Ms Gretchen Kalonji, Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences at UNESCO, highlighted Latin America and the Caribbean's leading role in terms of water.
Because of this vital role of the wetland area, South West Water is playing a big role in the project, which runs until 2015.
Local stakeholders have a direct role to play in the delivery of broader water management initiatives, through domestic initiatives such as rainwater harvesting and water-friendly garden design or simply reducing water usage or enhancing local wetlands.
ANTARES, the water of the Mediterranean has a second role, besides screening out radiation from above.
These new techniques give scientists and engineers the tools to explore the role of colloidal and small particulate material in natural waters and in water treatment processes.
Bishop Welby is a regular Twitter user and has already confirmed he will continue tweeting in his new role - despite the danger of getting into what he called "deep water".
BBC: Justin Welby: Those who bet on me should donate winnings
"Those water masses play a very important role in the present-day status of the ice pack and changes in the delivery would have an influence and effect on ice distribution, " said Weingartner.
CNN: Nuclear sub dives under the ice to explore climate change
"Mukhtar played an important role in providing vulnerable communities with access to clean drinking water and sanitation in areas where the risk of water-based diseases is high, " UNICEF Deputy Representative Hannan Sulieman said.
Much play was made a few years ago of the role played by woods and wetlands in upstate New York in keeping New York City's water supply clean.