The rosary for Christina Green is scheduled for Wednesday, followed by a funeral Thursday.
The cardinal was speaking a centenary celebration of the life of Fr Patrick Peyton who was known as "the Rosary priest".
Her group would meet each Sunday at the church of Santa Rita in Miramar, Havana's grandest district, say the rosary, hear mass, and then walk ten blocks in silence along Quinta Avenida on the green verges under the palm trees.
He was also due to lay a wreath at the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, which has become a shrine for the British dead in the attack, and thank clergy and parishioners at the tiny church for welcoming the mourning relatives of the dead.
And then the three walked back to Saint Beuno's in the sifting snow, edifying each other by praying the five glorious mysteries of the Rosary on the way, and then goading the scholastics fishing the Elwy until Bill Dubberley caught a trout and fell waist deep in the river while hauling it in.
Clutching her rosary, the 75-year-old Dicaire knelt in a front row pew and, with her sisters, asked for divine intervention.
She would have to scrub and polish floors, work in the laundry and then make rosary beads and knit Aran sweaters.
Mrs Sheridan had initially been allowed to take her rosary beads with her into the interview room, however, they were removed after two hours.
At one point, Biden, who had been fingering a rosary, turned to Mullen, the Joint Chiefs chairman.
But the bold palette of this landmark "skull and rosary" picture did not last long.
WSJ: Vanitas I | Georges Braque | Denying Death | Masterpiece by E.A. Carmean Jr.
Cunningham clutched rosary beads and his lips trembled as the jury returned to the courtroom after four hours and 40 minutes and returned majority verdicts on all the charges he faced.
Recently, the New Orleans man built a public chapel to her and holds rosary services that attract around a dozen people.
He genuflected and sank onto a kneeler six pews back from Christ in the tabernacle and noticed off to his right Brother McKeon saying his Rosary.
The women went to church all the time and prayed to alcoved saints and, heads down, fearful, counted rosary beads.