The conference will be divided into two parts, centered around the Round table on the SREX.
The round table is the only gathering of its kind to facilitate UN Inter-Agency collaboration on communication for development.
In the days to come, the round table will share experience, promote good practice and exchange knowledge from diverse perspectives and partners.
In those days, the joke was that the round table was eight metres across because the world spitting record stood at seven metres.
The Round Table will be co-chaired by Sredoje Novic, Minister of Civil Affairs, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and by Gretchen Kalonji, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences.
Also involved in the round table discussion were Alan Boulton from the Scottish Tenant Farmers' Association, Patrick Krause from the Scottish Crofting Federation and Vicki Swales from Scottish Environment Link.
The Round Table is organized in the framework of the 2012 World Philosophy Day whose celebration at UNESCO Headquarters on 15 November 2012 is dedicated to the main theme of "Future Generations".
UNESCO: Round Table on the theme "Youth, Philosophy and Future"
Komen to be recognized as a Champion of Change at the White House and to participate in the round table discussion with other breast cancer activists and advocates about ending breast cancer forever.
WHITEHOUSE: Less Talk, More Action to End Breast Cancer Forever
Later during the round table, to the minor chagrin of two Internet journalists present, Grant turns his opinion on another issue unrelated to his movie: the growing media presence on the World Wide Web.
The Expert Meeting on Science, Technology and Innovation for South East Europe to convene on Thursday 22 November as a preparatory event to the round table will discuss the above-indicated STI system capacity in SEE and pay particular attention to the research infrastructures, statistical data, regional networks and communication of science.
"We went to court to fight not only for our industry but for our system of checks and balances, " representatives for two of the groups, the Livery Round Table and the Black Car Assistance Corp.
Ms McColgan was giving evidence in the first round table session of the committee as it continued its inquiry into community sport.
Peace and Sport participated in the round-table discussion on youth violence prevention in the Great Lakes Region, organized by UNESCO in June 2011.
After this session, the first round table will take place, moderated by Moussa Idriss Ndele, President of the Pan African Parliament, and Mezri Haddad, Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Tunisia to UNESCO.
UNESCO: Detailview | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
In Sarajevo this month, Gretchen Kalonji, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences, attended the Ministerial Round Table and, together with Sredoje Novic, Minister of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, chaired the encounter.
Ronnie hit it at 100 mph and got the perfect cannon on the pink to release the red and you could see from the way he bounced round the table afterwards that he was pleased.
And out of all the witticisms that must have whirled around the Algonquin Round Table, how many ever got recorded?
Leif Johansson, chairman of Ericsson and chairman of the European Round Table of Industrialists, said economic reforms in parts of Southern Europe are beginning to bear fruit.
Two-way satellite services were deployed over 18 SEE research and higher education institutions from the scientific fields recommended by the Ministerial Round Table held at UNESCO in 2001.
The Ministerial Round Table on Science, Technology and Innovation for South East Europe to convene on Friday 23 November will focus on intensifying the STI system capacity and collaboration in the SEE region.
In 1997 she created the daily round-table talk show The View.
"The difficulty for me is how to get everybody round the table, it's impossible to do that, " he said.
BBC: Nesbitt: Unionist forum no guarantee of full flag return
Now the rest of the world's defence industry will be crowding round the Lockheed table looking for crumbs.
The picture of a mother working with her children round the kitchen table does not do justice to the idea, he says.
"The indefinite action will continue until such a time as Leeds City Council gets round the table and brings something that is acceptable to our membership, " she added.
Meanwhile, speaking on the BBC's Inside Politics programme on Saturday, Mr Trimble said he could see no point in the British Government holding round-table negotiations between the parties, as Sinn Fein and the SDLP had suggested.
And you'd rather not have David Cameron sitting round the table at that moment?
We urge union leaders to get round the table with the government and negotiate on the details.