It hopes the roundhouse will be completely rebuilt by the end of the summer.
BBC: Work under way to rebuild Cranleigh roundhouse after arson
The event is normally held around various venues in Camden including The Roundhouse, KOKO and The Barfly.
The park authority said although it was committed to the environment, the roundhouse went against its planning policy.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South West Wales | Eco house owner gives up fight
The Scott Eaton design would be on the first floor terrace of the Roundhouse, overlooking Chalk Farm Road.
The annual event will also move from the Grosvenor House Hotel in central London to the Roundhouse in Camden.
Environmentalists will be thrilled that the Roundhouse's frame will consist not of old-growth Douglas fir but of recycled steel.
Attia's legacy hardly rests on the Roundhouse, but the man clearly believes this could be his most indelible mark.
The charity said the roundhouse that was destroyed in Cranleigh Road had inspired young people and had been "almost a work of art".
It has used other venues, including The Roundhouse, while its hit musical Matilda has been at Covent Garden's Cambridge Theatre for more than a year.
Amy Winehouse sang Marvin Gaye's I Heard it Through the Grapevine with Paul Weller at the Roundhouse in 2006 as part of the BBC'S Electric Proms.
Attia's creation is what he calls the Roundhouse, a modular window-wrapped structure that's supposed to make up for the bad name prefab housing has gotten over the years.
"Enough of this nonsense of building homes the way we did 100 years ago, " Attia says, disgustedly motioning at the bloated homes in the canyon below the Roundhouse site.
Be sure to stop by the Roundhouse Lodge, at the top of Whistler mountain, to check out its Olympic Legacy display , which includes such prized memorabilia as Swiss Olympian Didier Defago's gold medal winning Rossignol skis and a wood-carved replica of the medals podium - where every athlete, no matter how skilled, can snap a photograph of a personal Olympic moment.
The new roundhouse is being built just to the side of the original site.
BBC: Work under way to rebuild Cranleigh roundhouse after arson
"The design of the JS Roundhouse Mid is nothing more than the designer Jeremy Scott's outrageous and unique take on fashion and has nothing to do with slavery, " the statement said.
The Sayers Croft Trust, which used the thatched roundhouse as an educational resource, has planned a coppicing day to be held on 19 January.
Among them was former local government official Tony Wrench who built the turf-covered roundhouse - resembling the home of Bilbo Baggins in Lord of the Rings - as a home for himself and partner Jane.
Harrison was back on his feet on the count of eight but Haye ran across the ring to finish him off with a huge roundhouse right and the referee called a halt.
The back-to-back roundhouse punches were jaw-dropping, the kind of blue-moon-eclipse results you refresh your cellphone to confirm.
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Sitting in Santa Fe's remarkably informal Roundhouse, as the state capitol is nicknamed in homage to old Navajo hogans, she describes her conversion to Republicanism as a Damascene moment.
They will view artefacts like an ancient Celtic firedog which would have stood next to the hearth in an ancient roundhouse, a gold snuff box given to explorer HM Stanley by Queen Victoria after he found Livingstone, and a porcelain tureen and dish which was made in China in about 1760, part of a dinner service for a wealthy European family.
To mark the 30th anniversary of Saturday Night Fever topping the charts in the UK, Robin Gibb will also perform alongside Sam Sparro and Sharleen Spiteri with the BBC Concert Orchestra in London's Roundhouse on October 25.
To skeptics, Attia's Roundhouse evokes Buckminster Fuller's Dymaxion House of the 1940s.
Mrs Waggott, founder of the campaign group, said it had also suggested including a reconstruction of an Iron Age roundhouse.