To recapture its lost glory, he plans a clutch of new hotels, with perhaps a golf course on the site of a big Russian military base, which the Russians are quitting.
Weather conditions similar to 2012 occurred in the winter of 1942, when the U.S. Midwest was unusually warm, and when the Wehrmacht encountered the formidable forces of "General Frost" in a Russian winter not unlike the one Russians just had.
Is the Russian Federation basically a Russian empire, with a few non-Russians living in it as second-class citizens?
The act places sanctions on 18 Russians allegedly involved in the death of anti-corruption whistleblower Sergei Magnitsky in a Russian prison in 2009.
But, certainly analysts here seem to think it might be more of a political move by the Russians, as a result of what happened in Georgia, the west opposition to Russian moves in Georgia over the summer.
And this report says that the information, this information about Russia's role, came from captured Iraqi documents, and those documents, it says, claimed that the Russians had a source inside the U.S. military command who was funneling information to the Russian ambassador in Baghdad, who then gave it to the Iraqis.
The nature of the Russian objection was unclear, but an EU negotiator told me he believed the Russians were making a point of principle and did not expect further action.
The suspected ringleader of the gang, a Russian man, was arrested in the United Arab Emirates, while 10 suspected aides, including Russians, Ukrainians and Georgians, were arrested on Spain's Costa del Sol, on the Mediterranean coast, said Francisco Martinez, Spain's secretary of state for security.
On June 20th, the Russian parliament adopted a resolution condemning the deterioration of Russians' rights in Turkmenistan.
But the Russians say the agreement is clearly aimed at them, a highly placed source in the Russian Foreign Ministry told CNN.
"The whole population of China is educated that this area used to be Chinese territory, which was illegally annexed by Russians in 1860, " argues Victor Larin, a regional expert at the Russian Academy of Sciences.
So a demand arose for attracting attention of the Russians to the most important part of the Russian cultural heritage in the context of the world cultural traditions, increasing the status of traditional culture in the modern society and establishing a cultural dialogue between different peoples and regions of the world.
And it was notable that most of Estonia's ethnic Russians who voted (around a fifth of the electorate) seem to have gone for Estonian, rather than specifically Russian, parties.
Black reported that Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev had said Cypriot proposals included a set of assets that they believed the Russians would be prepared to buy.
The party of some 60 Russians was largely made up of travel agency managers, in Turkey for a fact-finding visit, the Russian newspaper Argumenty i Fakty reported last week.
BBC: Turkey arrests after adulterated alcohol kills Russians
Among the evidence the prosecution says it will use against the former agent are letters to and from the Russian intelligence agency, a statement from his Swiss bank account and recordings of his conversations with the Russians.