The notion of shared sacrifice is not one familiar to climate talks.
Tejada wasn't the only one to sacrifice part of his off-season for more spring training.
This method allows better control of the thicknesses of the silicon and glass layers, but the etching is time-consuming and requires the costly sacrifice of a wafer for each one that is made.
This version of black female self-sacrifice is a far cry from the one in which Bess disappears because of her own weakness.
President GEORGE W. BUSH: There's only one way to honor the sacrifice of Corporal Starr and his fallen comrades, and that is to take up their mantle, carry on the fight and complete their mission.
From Lincoln, he understands the importance of being pragmatic, of being willing to sacrifice one's ideals in quest of achieving a common understanding beyond social divide.
It's a sacrifice the company seemingly made in the name of keeping costs low -- one of the few fronts the company seems willing to admit it got beat by the Kindle Fire HD.
ENGADGET: Nook HD review: a high-def tablet with the heart of a reader
Bertil once said that one of his biggest regrets was that the couple had to sacrifice having children in order to protect the throne.
And the need to constantly harp on every extreme weather event as one more reason for Americans to sacrifice for the public good becomes less of an issue, as does reverse tribalism.
FORBES: Climate Hawks and 'Reverse Tribalism': How Our Policy Choices Are Fueling Climate Inaction
For some families, the accumulated expense of private school over more than a decade can make one year's tuition a reasonable sacrifice.
Not going to protect one staffer and sacrifice the guy that was asked to stick his neck in the meat grinder because of the incompetence of others.
But one has to wonder, at what point does the sacrifice cease to have any value for the advancement of science and simply become the pursuit of hardship for its own sake?
The Rockies have been shut out for 26 consecutive innings since Carlos Gonzalez hit a first-inning sacrifice fly against the Yankees on Thursday, and have had just one runner in scoring position the first two games of the series.
And that is very helpful in making the point and making the case that a balanced approach is really the only way to get significant deficit reduction and to do it in a way that does not require undue sacrifice of any one segment of society -- of seniors or parents of disabled children, for example.