Rove then received a letter from the Salvation Army and contacted the OMB, Bartlett said.
Organisations such as the Salvation Army, Portsmouth Association for the Blind and U3A would lose funding.
Shortages of volunteers at the kettles have forced the Salvation Army to pay some bell-ringers.
The Soka Gakkai was then little more than a Buddhist-equivalent of the Salvation Army.
Individuals needing help are referred to the Salvation Army by social services and other local charities.
MacDougall started her career at the Salvation Army, working on programs for homeless families.
"Memories get better over time, whereas things end up at the Salvation Army, " she says.
A.M. to pick up a Christmas present for the kids, at the Salvation Army.
More families in York have received food parcels due to economic hardship according to the Salvation Army.
The Salvation Army is building up emergency response teams and supplies in affected areas along the Gulf Coast.
The Salvation Army's William Booth Centre for rough sleepers in Shadwell Street, Birmingham, had 13 people staying overnight.
The energy companies, however, were "not the Salvation Army", and needed to "get a respectable rate of return".
James McElya was abandoned, at six weeks old, on the doorstep of the Salvation Army in West Chester, Pa.
Harvard University, for example, is a tax exempt organization in much the same way as is the Salvation Army.
FORBES: Taxing Non-Profits: Is It the Modern Day Solution to Balancing Budgets?
Bartlett said Rove told the Salvation Army to put its request in writing and he would look at it.
The family asks that in lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Summer's honor to the Salvation Army.
In 2005, Target formed a partnership with the Salvation Army, creating an online donation system to help needy families.
The Salvation Army, founded in 1865 as an evangelical church to "befriend those who have no friends, " needs new boosters.
Now the Salvation Army is in the midst of the biggest ad campaign it has ever run, trumpeting its good works.
Along with providing food and water for storm victims, the Salvation Army will be on hand to assist in long-term recovery.
The Salvation Army is to open the Somer Valley Food Bank aimed at people in Midsomer Norton and the Radstock area.
Backed by the Salvation Army, the group estimated it had received twice as much as last year, with more to come.
The Salvation Army is celebrating its National Donut Day on June 1.
Charitable donations: If you made donations to charitable organizations such as the Salvation Army, the value of the items donated is deductible.
The Salvation Army deployed canteen trucks to the area to provide food.
Major Alan Watters, from The Salvation Army in Ireland, said donating a gift could make a real difference to a child's Christmas.
Rove talked again with the Salvation Army in May, Bartlett said, when the charity mentioned it had a request about a regulatory issue.
The Family Appeal is a joint initiative involving the Salvation Army and St Vincent de Paul with broadcast support from BBC Northern Ireland.
The steering committee looking into providing food parcels involves representatives from many groups such as the Salvation Army and the island's homeless charity, Kemmyrk.
The Salvation Army says it is sending a team to Sendai, the most heavily damaged city, tonight and tomorrow will start providing basic necessities.