• Also, if US absorb those inflow of knowlegable groups for immigration, US will become more and more famous in the world leadership of Science and Innovations.

    FORBES: Go To School, Earn Your Green Card

  • The National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy, under the leadership of a terrific scientist, Steven Chu, have launched an innovative -- an initiative to inspire tens of thousands of students to pursue careers in clean energy.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Kicks Off "Educate to Innovate"

  • Preference should be given to candidates who have recently exhibited outstanding international leadership in the science of hydrology.

    UNESCO: Apply for UNESCO Prizes

  • The leadership of Rensselaer faculty in Web science, Big Data, artificial intelligence, and other research areas uniquely situates the university to help expand Watson's abilities.

    ENGADGET: Watson heading to college, honing administrator-pranking algorithms

  • He served as Director of the Business Institutions Initiative at the Social Science Research Council (1999-2003) and was the academic director of the Berlin School of Creative Leadership from 2008-11.

    FORBES: Doug Guthrie - The View From Washington - Archive

  • The Breakthrough Awards recognize ten individuals and teams, including one winner of the Breakthrough Leadership Award, who are helping to improve lives and expand possibilities in the realms of science, technology, and exploration.

    ENGADGET: Pioneer awarded Breakthrough Picture Quality HD

  • The results of their study, which are about to be published in Psychological Science, show that both the students' assessments of the leadership potential of the bosses and their ratings for the traits of competence, dominance and facial maturity were significantly related to a company's profits.

    ECONOMIST: Physiognomy and success: Face value | The

  • For many years, our national commitment to education--particularly in the areas of math and science--has lagged behind what is needed to maintain and expand our global leadership in innovation.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • In 2006, China's leadership unveiled the "National Medium- and Long-Term Plan for the Development of Science and Technology, " a blueprint for turning China into a tech powerhouse by 2020.

    WSJ: China's 'State Capitalism' Sparks a Global Backlash

  • As deputy director for science operations, Dr. Moscicki will share in executive direction of Center operations and provide leadership in overseeing the development, implementation, and direction of our programs.

    FORBES: FDA Gets a New Regulator

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