The Scream sends out noise at frequencies that affect the inner ear, creating dizziness and nausea.
However, it was by these waters close to the Norwegian capital that Edvard Munch set his bestknown work, The Scream.
Does the scream mean she was harmed much earlier than believed based on the activity on her computer?
They then made off with The Scream and Madonna in a stolen getaway car driven by an accomplice.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Three guilty of The Scream theft
Read more about the Scream Fortress additions to Team Fortress 2 here.
Munch also created a lithograph of "The Scream" in 1895, the same year he executed the pastel auctioned on Wednesday.
The owner of "The Scream, " Petter Olsen, a Norwegian real-estate developer and shipping heir, is trying to win big with the sale.
In August 2006, Oslo police recovered both the Scream and The Madonna.
In August 2004, another version of The Scream was stolen in Oslo along with Munch's The Madonna, this time from the Munch Museum.
It's a little past 4 a.m. and I'm reminded of the scream coming from or near Chandra Levy's apartment at roughly the same time.
The other three versions of The Scream are all owned by Norwegian museums, but Sotheby's say the version they sold is the most colourful.
BBC: Edvard Munch's iconic artwork The Scream sold for $120m
According to Forbes, The Scream is the eighth most expensive painting sold at a private or public auction, when prices are adjusted for inflation.
BBC: Edvard Munch's iconic artwork The Scream sold for $120m
The Scream in Space app, developed by Cambridge University Space Flight, makes use of several screams that were submitted by visitors to the project's website.
BBC: Smartphone fired into space to see if screams can be heard
This would indicate to me that the scream was indeed terrifying.
Two other versions of "The Scream" were stolen from Oslo museums.
Their sheer size as they cut through the ocean, the scream of planes taking off and coming into land, makes them an exciting, visceral experience, says Thompson.
The seller of "The Scream" was Petter Olsen, a Norwegian real-estate developer and shipping heir whose father was a neighbor of Munch's in the small Norwegian town of Hvitsten.
Few Americans have seen "The Scream" in person: The version being sold at Sotheby's was last in the U.S. at Washington's National Gallery of Art in the early 1990s.
Monday morning around 5 am I was awoken by the scream of a carbon monoxide alarm in my centralized alarm system, letting me know the battery backup was failing.
The Scream's popularity, she believes, derives from a tendency to regard artforms prefixed with adjectives like "edgy", "dark" and "disturbing" as somehow superior to those which are light and joyful.
Earlier this year, Mr Olsen said he had decided to sell The Scream because he wanted to "offer the rest of the world a chance to own and appreciate this remarkable work".
BBC: Edvard Munch's iconic artwork The Scream sold for $120m
Olsen is selling "The Scream" to fund the construction of a museum and arts center, Ramme Gaard, at Hvitsten, Norway, in which he plans to display the rest of his paintings.
Perhaps for this reason, The Scream's influence on modern art has been considerable, as seen in Francis Bacon's Screaming Popes series, Picasso's Guernica and, of course, Andy Warhol's silk prints of Munch's work.
"The Scream has really entered the collective conscience, whatever nationality, whatever country, whatever attitude or age, it really sort of speaks to that sort of existential terror that everyone experiences in the world, " Norman said.
And the scream of snowmobile engines assailed eardrums as 57 racers in colorful gear kicked up big spurts of sand as they gained speed to seemingly defy nature and head out onto the open water.
The version of "The Scream" on the block Wednesday was one of four -- two pastels and two paintings -- executed between 1893 and 1910, Sotheby's said, and is one of the best-known images in modern art.
If that were ever on the cards, Mr Khatib's move - described by a senior diplomat as "the scream of an honest man who really feels for his country" - is now clearly not heading in that direction.
Dubbed "the portrait of a soul" and "the face that launched 1, 000 therapists, " "The Scream" depicts a distorted human figure -- hands flat against its sunken face, eyes and mouth wide open -- in the foreground of a nightmarish landscape.
In a zany new competition, your wildest howl could get you a free trip to the home of Edvard Munch, Norwegian painter of the famous masterpiece, The Scream, which shows a figure howling in agony against a dramatic backdrop of swirling waters and a fiery orange sky.
Some in the crowd scream as the van drives away slowly, then picks up speed.