For my generation, typing something into the search bar is just second nature, and the same goes for young travelers.
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Though the images are often generic, the lead actors, whose tough-minded theatricality is second nature, convey the fear and the heartbreak behind the glossy artifice.
James Buizer is on the Board of Directors of the environmental activist group Second Nature.
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Soon, scanning for the positive rather than the negative will become second nature.
But even the best players, who make it seem like it is second nature for them to excel near the rim, have to fear coming down awkwardly on their feet and injuring their ankles.
It is worth noting that such scepticism is second nature to the giants of financial economics, as opposed to the more junior propellerheads.
An even greater beneficiary of the second term will be the administrative class, who by their nature live largely outside the market system.
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This brings me to a second point -- the nature of the peace that we seek.
But for members of the Millennial Generation, they are second nature.
And I can assure you there was no better, fiercer, intense laboratory to mine for the nitty gritty information that became second nature to me.
We now launch the second step of this process with an in-depth assessment of the nature of these imbalances and the root causes of impediments to adjustment.
Among the rich, dodging taxes has become second nature, said Jamal Mecklai, CEO of Mecklai Financial, a Mumbai-based financial consulting firm.
The solution has been to practice over and over again until the coordination of word and gesture becomes second nature, or almost.
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Promoting the theme of "openness" is second nature to Sarin.
First, an uncertainty about the exact nature of the problem and second, the inevitable delays in assessing data which had to be extracted on our re-supply flights before it could be analysed.
The second, which complicates the first, is that political reactions to crashes are by their nature unpredictable.
But for the Big Apple, heavily taxed and unionised to the hilt, it is more or less second nature.
Second, the impersonal, rule-based nature of the discount-granting process is more pleasant for both the customer and the store clerk.
Earlier, speaking of the second truth of tech, I compared the openness of Windows and Android to the closed nature of Apple products.
In their second report they both point to the inelastic nature of supply and demand for food and also claim that food prices move much more than supply and or demand for food.
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Second, thanks in part to the inherent nature of chemical weapons, in part to the myriad flaws in the CWC, virtually any other nation that wishes to do so can, and probably will, retain the capacity to conduct militarily significant CW attacks.
Second, many offshore banks ask about the nature of transactions expected to take place through the account.
Second, the Fed can change the terms and nature of its asset purchases.
Moore says the skills are essential for the next generation of farmers for whom technology is second nature, but bringing their elders on board remains a challenge.
It was interesting that while the signs and symptoms of a heart attack were unknown to them, maintaining the airway of a patient with gunshot wounds was second nature.
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The penny-pinching nature of America's second-wealthiest man is legendary.
The second-theme that pops up, the compulsion for wireless carriers find profits from smartphone usage, may change the nature of the wireless dance and draw in outside players like Apple.
Make it second nature for someone who is overweight to blame the restaurant that served him fries.