HarperCollins is all set to publish the autobiographical License to Steal: The Secret World of Wall Street Brokers and the Systematic Plundering of the American Investor.
Sir Richard Sykes, Glaxo's boss and the prime mover behind the merger, has made no secret of his desire to run the world's biggest drug company.
Ms. LISA WITTER (Communications Specialist, Co-author, "The She Spot: Why Women are the Secret to Changing this World and how to Reach Them"): It's a pleasure to be with you this morning.
While guns, girls and gadgets have remained immutable to the world of the secret agent, instant box office success has sometimes been elusive.
John Armitt, chairman of the Olympic Delivery Authority, explained how "having a clear focus" and a bit of pressure was the secret to bringing in "the biggest regeneration in a single place since World War II" on time and within the budget.
He showed me the Artic Tower which contained radars so secret that only two people in the world were authorised to enter its inner sanctum.
If everything that goes wrong is the fault of a secret cabal, that relieves you of the tedious necessity of trying to understand how a complex world really works.
Becky, an artist in her 30s, nodded slowly, hanging on every word as though she was learning of a secret plot to end the world.
It is no secret that the world has yet to achieve the simple yet profound goal of ensuring equal futures for our daughters and our sons.
The State Bank makes no secret of the fact that it is trying to force the banks to pay more attention to real-world investments in companies and lending to individuals.
The Secret World has ensured that PvP is not too necessary to the game, and can probably rely on the averaging effect of the three game factions to keep the balance of purchased advantage level.
The report revealed details relating to the construction of thousands offshore companies and trusts and shined light on the secret dealings of wealthy individuals world-wide.
Research has shown that the secret to success for almost all world-class athletes and other peak performers is visualization.
The Secret World cannot afford to be a best-kept secret any more.
Nearly 10 months have passed since her secret came tumbling out for the world to see, and Rihanna said it was her fans who helped her finally speak up about domestic violence.
In one sentence, uttered not in secret consultations, but declared to the world on CNN, Gates abrogated America's strategic commitment to Japan's defense.
With this piece, gain insight into what each actor brought to the character and discover how they shaped the world's most timeless secret agent.
ENGADGET: 'Bond 50' 22 movie Blu-ray collection details revealed, ships in September (video)
With a few weeks to translate and analyze those captured documents, the CIA and other services could have been providing actionable intelligence to guide commandos to the secret locations of al Qaeda leaders all over the world.
FORBES: President Obama's Greatest Foreign Policy Failure: Killing bin Laden
He leans very heavily on the advice of intelligence officers in the new world of global terrorism, and cannot afford to fall out publicly with the security or secret intelligence services.
But it's no secret that Beckham wishes to play for England in the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.
It's no secret that Google is keen to become a pivotal player in the mobile phone world.
MADRID In the week that followed the stunning first legs of the Champions League semifinals, two matches that saw the soccer royalty of Real Madrid and Barcelona thoroughly humbled by German opposition, the chatter in the soccer world turned to figuring out Germany's secret.
However, in a world of budget cuts and hiring freezes, the secret to more effective law enforcement may lie just as much with their willingness to halt wasteful inquiries as it does with their pursuit of more deserving cases to the bitter end.
Other important world stories saw the head of the Israeli secret service forced to resign after a bungled assassination attempt and the top bureaucrat in the French island of Corsica murdered by separatists.
The Old Republic, created at huge cost, launched to considerable fanfare in late 2011, but could not sustain its subscription-only model and, although profitable, is now largely free-to-play, as is the EA-published FunCom MMO The Secret World.
FORBES: John Riccitiello Steps Down As EA CEO - Why, And What Now?
However, by retaining the entry cost of the client, Funcom have maintained both an initial payoff from each player, which is good, and a significant speedbump to entry by curious players, which is not, in particular when The Secret World has a user number problem.
However, these losses were related not only to falling usage of Age of Conan but also development and marketing costs for The Secret World.
FORBES: FunCom: As The Secret World Launches, CEO Steps Down
One of the world's oldest football leagues has received an award for sending secret assessors to matches in a bid to clamp down on foul language.
The first film, about a high school basketball star who falls in love with a girl and is torn between his on-court duties and his secret yearning to sing duets with her, was seen by 170 million people around the world.
When she rejoined the civilian world four years ago, she realized her secret agent techniques could be used to get ahead in business, including landing a sought-after promotion.
FORBES: A Covert Guide To Getting Promoted: 10 Tips From A Former CIA Officer