In addition, he demanded the right to call scores of high-level witnesses in his defence, including former American president Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Britain's prime minister, Helmut Kohl, former Chancellor of Germany, Kofi Annan, the UN General Secretary, and Madeleine Albright, the former American secretary of state.
In the interim, Colin Powell, the American secretary of state, came and went, and failed to achieve even a declaration of a ceasefire.
However, the Israeli forces withdrew 24 hours later after the American Secretary of State, Colin Powell, criticised the operation as "excessive and disproportionate".
In an interview with the BBC, however, Colin Powell, the American secretary of state, refused to commit himself as to whether Mr Hussein could retain power in a disarmed Iraq.
Just as the recriminations began, with exquisite timing Hillary Clinton, the American secretary of state, flew in on the second leg of a Balkan tour (she also took in Bosnia and Kosovo).
ECONOMIST: Hillary Clinton flies in to bump a few heads together
As far as the commentators are concerned, Olmert's puerile attack on the American secretary of state in the midst of a war shows that the he is still the same prideful, vain, motor-mouth that Israelis have come to know and despise over the past several years.
Relations with the Obama administration in Washington have improved greatly since Hillary Clinton, the American secretary of state, visited Mexico City last week.
The child of Jamaican immigrants, Powell is in line to become the first African-American Secretary of State.
Yet Hillary Clinton, the American secretary of state, has taken the lead in censuring him.
Madeleine Albright, the American secretary of state, once called this Africa's first world war.
That represents no change in policy, says Madeleine Albright, the American secretary of state.
More important, and unlike Mr Pangalos, he gets on well with Madeleine Albright, the American secretary of state.
PA. Condoleezza Rice, the American secretary of state, was due to visit this week to urge restraint on Israel.
Condoleezza Rice, the American secretary of state, telephoned both men on April 7th and urged them to make a deal.
But despite calls from Colin Powell, the American secretary of state, for support, so far General Musharraf has not committed himself.
Then Defense Minister, Mr. Sharon met with the American Secretary of State, General Alexander Haig, and his Middle East envoy, Ambassador Habib.
Then, last week, Madeleine Albright, the American secretary of state, attended a United Nations conference on Afghanistan with Iran's foreign minister, Kamal Kharrazi.
Hillary Clinton, the American secretary of state, pointedly urged across-the-board reform.
Colin Powell, the American secretary of state, said in Delhi in July that credible elections could be a first step toward peace in Kashmir and dialogue with Pakistan.
ECONOMIST: On the eve of voting, a law minister is shot dead
Colin Powell, the American secretary of state, endorsed the demand.
Even if Mr Hussein manages to spin things out until winter passes it would not stop an invasion, Colin Powell, the American secretary of state, said on November 21st.
The American secretary of state, Colin Powell, had already been hard at work in Los Cabos, at the ministerial meeting which preceded the summit, lobbying APEC members for their backing.
This risk is expected to be discussed in talks that Jack Straw, Britain's foreign secretary, is due to have this weekend in Delhi and Islamabad, followed next week by Colin Powell, the American secretary of state.
At a conference in London, the new Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas (aka Abu Mazen), was assured by Britain's Tony Blair, the American secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, and other leaders that his Palestinian Authority would be given masses of help to improve the fledgling state's economy, institutions and security.
The only one of these that might fall into place is Western Sahara, where the energies of James Baker, a former American secretary of state, were engaged to get Morocco and Polisario to agree to a referendum next year.
Upon Mr Clinton's departure, the American assistant secretary of state for South Asia, Karl Inderfurth, flew back to Delhi, ostensibly to apprise the Indians of the results of the meeting.
He has already met several senior American officials, including Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, and will soon receive a hefty American business delegation.
Rice served under President George W. Bush as the first female national security adviser and the first African-American woman to hold the post of secretary of state.
Leading the fight are the two titans of American foreign policy: the moderate and isolated Secretary of State, Colin Powell, and the hard-line Pentagon boss, Donald Rumsfeld.
And the American president or secretary of state would soon rush in to settle matters, much like a parent might rush to judgment in a sibling dispute to preserve appearances before company arrives.