He also noted that winning active managers change over time, which complicates the selection process.
The rigorous final stages of the selection process involved snorkelling, barbecues and time at a spa.
Cohn said the move would help the firm devote more time to the selection process.
Some commentators have questioned whether some kind of discretion could be introduced to the selection process.
In most cases, journals explain the selection process in a statement of their editorial policies and guidelines.
Whether I thought the answers to these questions would be valuable to entrepreneurs guided the selection process.
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By making the selection process a transparent community activity, Turner said, START.ac has created a unique feedback cycle.
Often the selection process for high potential roles is so well tuned that it filters out any diversity.
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The selection process in 2009 began at the end of last season when Rick invited emails from interested clubs.
The Romney campaign has prided itself on keeping the selection process secret, and advisers declined to confirm or deny the reports.
Mr Port's application for an injunction to stop the selection process for his successor was refused by a high court judge.
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She said that earlier in the selection process First Minister Alex Salmond wrote to her to wish her all the best with her bid.
The selection process is currently frozen because of a hoo-hah about the selection process for a new Commission office head in Athens.
Asworn statement by Houston superlawyer Joseph Jamail suggests that there might have been more than mere campaign contributions behind the selection process.
After the selection process has taken place, groups of between 15 to 20 students are formed, depending on the size of the centre.
The Scottish Government also insisted that all public appointments were made on merit, with political activity playing "no part" in the selection process.
The key difference: the Thai scheme was administered by the government, which has acknowledged problems with the selection process and the speed of implementation.
U.S. Speedskating spokeswoman Tamara Castellano confirmed Monday that Gabel also resigned from the Hall of Fame committee, which oversees the selection process for inductees.
But BBC home affairs correspondent Danny Shaw said it is understood his handling of the arrest worked in his favour during the selection process.
Both were finalists in the selection process, according to campaign sources.
Jindal's campaign says he did not meddle in the selection process.
As part of that announcement, Cricket Australia confirmed that I had let them know prior to the selection process that I was unavailable for personal reasons.
Mr Choi has said he passed on a request from TPI to Kim Hong-gul for fair treatment in the selection process of the lotto license winner.
Mr Simmonds said the selection process was "open and rigorous".
This series saw twice as many people apply to take part as for the first, with Sir Alan only getting involved in the selection process at the very end.
Barts and The London say the selection process was fair and that they rejected the idea of selecting by examination because they thought it would prejudice against certain candidates.
Fredrik Erixon, a former World Bank economist, told the BBC that the selection process was "anachronistic" but he still expected the White House nominee to be the successful candidate.
With that dialogue, they are not blindly following my selections, but rather are empowered and able to reflect on the selection process when making future purchases and when dressing independently.
But the White House has made calls to various candidates saying the president intends to nominate them pending a background check, according to another person familiar with the selection process.
Cotterill, who has been linked with the vacancy at Sheffield Wednesday, has offered his availability to Cheltenham as a sounding board in the selection process for finding a new boss.