Or the self-employed may, like workers, face taxes on all or part of those premiums.
The government says this new system is fairer for the self-employed and many mothers.
By 2019 the self-employed will account for 40 percent of all American workers.
FORBES: How Health Insurance Premiums Drag Down the Freelance Economy
This is required primarily from the self-employed or those who have income from several sources.
Republicans want tax breaks, including complete deductibility for health insurance bought by the self-employed.
CNN: President: New numbers show changes wouldn't be too costly
In 1997, 39% of men (including the self-employed) worked over 45 hours a week.
Many women, and the self-employed, are currently penalised for not making full national insurance contributions.
The self-employed face new (and more generous) rules covering the deduction of health insurance premiums they pay.
But rather than splurge on a Mercedes, in January the self-employed 32-year-old went on a savings binge.
FORBES: How Entrepreneurs Can Get Big Tax Breaks For Retirement Savings
This is not a luxury reserved for the self-employed, but rather a matter of choice and priority.
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Currently, company employees and government workers pay premiums based on income, while the self-employed pay a flat rate.
It does not include the self-employed, owners and partners in unincorporated firms, household workers and unpaid family workers.
So the self-employed and other dollar-earners face both political pressure and increasing taxation.
"The people who really get hurt in mobilization are the self-employed, " says Wright.
The self-employed now have full deductibility, but millions of other individuals do not.
He points out that the self-employed are also working fewer hours, even though the directive does not affect them.
Those affected are not just the usual categories like part-timers and the self-employed.
One of the smartest moves they can make (including the self-employed) is to start a 401(k) plan before December 31st.
FORBES: The Most-Important Year End Tax Tip for Small Business: Start a 401(k) before 12/31
Out of 73 million hourly paid people (excluding all the self-employed) some 4.3 million get the minimum wage or less.
FORBES: Greg Mankiw's Excellent Question: Why a $9 Minimum Wage? Why Not $90? Or 90 cents?
The self-employed cleaner pleaded guilty to four offences of theft and asked for 15 other offences to be taken into consideration.
Around 45% - nearly half - of the increase in employment since the summer of 2010 has been among the self-employed.
It will provide a field day for tax evasion, with the self-employed tempted to incorporate themselves, and businesses splitting themselves to benefit.
This is essentially the self-employed or those with incomes from multiple sources (some of which may well have been taxed at source).
Mixed income is largely the self-employed or those running small unincorporated businesses.
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Unfortunately, this strategy is often practical only for the self-employed or retired.
The law, agreed unanimously in the States, will see employees, the self-employed and pensioners make compulsory contributions of about 1.5% of their incomes.
In addition, the government has imposed new social-security contributions on low-wage jobs, and tightened restrictions on the self-employed, part-time work and fixed-term contracts.
It covered workers in commerce and industry only (leaving out the self-employed, farmers, service workers and government employees), plus their spouses and dependents.
The proportion of the self-employed making discretionary contributions to the pension system fell from 60% in the mid-1980s to 20% in the mid-1990s.
The self-employed will be able to hire staff beyond the family.