Still, the mostly Republican-backed solution has been a source of contention and confusion in the Senate.
European leaders could do worse than study our Constitution, particularly the provision for the Senate.
His Democrats also retained their majority in the Senate, which they have held since 2007.
BBC: President Barack Obama defeats Romney to win re-election
The House of Representatives had a buy-American provision in the stimulus bill, which, thankfully, the Senate diluted.
Christie can also call a special election for the senate seat before the gubernatorial election in November.
The plan faces an uphill battle in the Senate, and the White House has promised to veto.
The President urges the Senate to confirm Richard Cordray to the head of that bureau.
Though she accepted his offer on Friday, she must still be confirmed by the Senate.
On December 13, the Senate declined to act on a bill to renew the TAG accounts.
FORBES: We Don't Need TAG Accounts, We Need Sanity At The Fed
She has testified several times before House and the Senate committees on financial issues.
The Senate measure provides money for the war in Iraq, and for hurricane recovery.
It will have to have the support of both the House and the Senate.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the Status of Debt Ceiling Negotiations
Pentagon officials will deliver the images to the Senate and take them back afterward.
Earlier today, the Senate voted on two provisions to extend tax cuts for the middle class.
Fremuth says he doubts that under these circumstances, Craig could get much done in the Senate.
Even if he can't win in court, he'll persuade the Senate to back off.
Larry Craig (R-ID) has asked the Senate ethics committee to dismiss an ethics complaint against him.
The Senate is comprised of 100 members -- two from each of the 50 states.
The CFPB legislation provides that the head of the CFPB must be approved by the Senate.
Barack Obama is on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, where Petraeus and Crocker appeared Tuesday afternoon.
Obviously a different type of meeting, having all the Senate caucus down here, Democratic caucus.
And he does have Democratic co-sponsors, something that is critical given the composition of the Senate.
FORBES: Sen. Corker's Plan To Reduce The Fiscal Burden Of Government
Recess appointments are allowed by the constitution only when the Senate is in recess.
So I again would urge the Senate to confirm both of them as quickly as possible.
Kennard, the FCC's current general counsel, would succeed Reed Hundt if confirmed by the Senate.
CNN: AllPolitics - Clinton Settles On New FCC Chairman Nominee
Should he talk to the Republicans in the House and the Senate before making that assessment?
In 1972, at age 29, he became one of the youngest people elected to the Senate.
Goldman shares are down over 16% since the day the Senate report was released.
However, that bill had little chance of passing the Senate even before Thursday's news.
On issues of intellectual property, observers expect little change in the Senate Judiciary Committee, where Sen.