Joining me to discuss the way the, the way forward and how we're going to do it is someone who works at the White House, the Senate, State Department and the former Director of Intelligence at National Security Council, Philip Bobbitt, good morning Philip, as everybody said it's not that Bobbitt, you are Philip Bobbitt.
The proposal approved by the Senate would allow the Transportation Department to adjust funding to "prevent reduced operations and staffing" for the remainder of the current federal budget year, which expires on September 30.
Whatever happens to the House Ethics Committee, Jack Abramoff faces investigations by a Senate committee and the Justice Department.
Perez was easily confirmed by the Senate for his Justice Department post, but since then, some GOP lawmakers have criticized his role in persuading the city of St.
Levin, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee said he recommended the Justice Department establish an independent commission to decide if prosecution was warranted.
Waxman said Chung had given similar off-the-record, unsworn briefings to the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee and to investigators from the Department of Justice.
In addition to several House and Senate subcommittees, the Justice Department and Securities and Exchange Commission are investigating Enron's swift collapse and its decision to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection December 2, 2001 -- the largest such filing in U.S. history.
And second, during his time in the United States Senate (which preceded his present tour at the Justice Department), Senator Ashcroft was among that chamber's staunchest advocates of privacy rights and civil liberties.
Tuesday, the U.S. Justice Department indicted the longest-serving Republican in Senate history, on seven counts of making false statements on mandatory financial disclosure forms.
It's just that the Democratic Senate's version offers civil-service protection to the department's 170, 000 employees.
The House and Senate passed bills (HR1270, S104) in 1997 requiring the Energy Department to build a temporary storage site for spent fuel from commercial nuclear reactors.
Obama directed the Justice Department to provide access to the secret document to members of the Senate and House intelligence committees, an administration official said Wednesday.
He said the Senate bill wouldn't allow the department secretary to transfer limited funds among government accounts in response to terrorist threats, without a time-consuming approval process.
There is also stalemate in the Senate over the establishment of the proposed new Department of Homeland Security.
There are 23 slots at the department that need confirmation by the Senate, and only two have been filled.
The chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Carl Levin, said the case showed how far the defence department still had to go in addressing the problem of sexual crimes in the military.
The following is the complete text of a statement by Robert K. Steel, Under Secretary for Domestic Finance, to the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, as released by the Treasury Department on Thursday, April 3.
The House appropriations bill for the Department of Homeland Security, which includes FEMA, will come up in the Senate Appropriations Committee on September 6, according to the Senate aide.
CNN: FEMA funding faces now familiar congressional wrangling
Of the 320 Cabinet-level department positions subject to Senate confirmation, a staggering 60 (19%) are currently being filled in violation of the act.
Also, potential Bush appointees to the Justice Department would have to be approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
The hearing, called by Senator Jon Kyl (R-AZ), Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Technology, Terrorism and Homeland Security, heard expert testimony from the FBI, the Treasury Department, and two independent experts including Alex Alexiev of the Center for Security Policy.
The son of a Rockefeller Republican who represented New York in Congress and the Senate from 1959 to 1971, Mr. Goodell joined the NFL in 1982 as an intern in the public affairs department.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Roger Goodell: Will the Lights Go Out in the NFL?
Ashcroft's planned appearance before appropriations committees of the House and Senate have not been re-scheduled, Justice Department officials said.
"Scoop" Jackson and subsequently as a professional staff member on the Senate Armed Services Committee and as a senior official in the Department of Defense.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The U.S.-Soviet Trade Agreement: Overtaken By Events
Her comments in both the Senate and House hearings clarified an earlier misunderstanding between the State Department and CIA. At the time of the attack, State Department officials believed they had a formal arrangement with CIA for backup security, while CIA didn't think there was a formal responsibility.
Further negotiations led to a tentative agreement between the State Department and most of those participating in these discussions on the Senate side.
And today the Senate Judiciary Committee meets to discuss who from the White House and Justice Department should be subpoenaed to testify about the firing of eight U.S. attorneys.
They follow three previous hearings by House and Senate panels, and the matter also is under investigation by the Justice Department, the Treasury inspector generals office and Werfel in his new capacity.
These statements will be delivered Tuesday at what Justice Department officials acknowledge is likely to be a stormy hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
CNN: Gonzales says he's keeping his post, wants to 'fix problems'
The Senate legislation, crafted by lawmakers in both parties, would give the Transportation Department, which administers the Federal Aviation Administration, more budget flexibility to reduce the number of air-traffic controller furloughs, which had caused this week's flight delays.