On issues of intellectual property, observers expect little change in the Senate Judiciary Committee, where Sen.
This week, the Senate Judiciary Committee will consider a plan to overhaul the nation's immigration system.
NPR: Immigrants Tend To Complement, Not Replace American Jobs
Harriet Miers may save her nomination with a sound performance before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Chuck Grassley of Iowa jumped into the fray during a hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
They could be even rougher on him than the Senate Judiciary Committee was last month.
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales relayed the decision to the leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
When he went before the Senate Judiciary Committee last month, one of the questioners was Sen.
The hearing was held on Thursday, June 26, at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing room.
Leahy, who serves as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said officials have taken the appropriate steps.
The Senate Judiciary Committee is considering legislation that would give reporters the right to protect their sources.
The Senate Judiciary Committee will consider the measure on Thursday, said Leahy, who is the committee's chairman.
Tomorrow there's going to be a hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee where the bill now technically resides.
Also, potential Bush appointees to the Justice Department would have to be approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
These questions have been on the minds of millions of Americans, including members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Gonzales is scheduled to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee on April 17.
It is the subject of hearings that will likely go on for some time in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
The Senate Judiciary Committee is to begin voting on the legislation next week.
There was a hearing last month by the Senate Judiciary Committee on this.
Specter, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, added Friday that his committee would immediately begin investigating the matter.
Edmonds is said to have detailed these allegations further in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee last month.
Charles Grassley of Iowa, the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, hasn't taken a position on the Durbin bill.
WSJ: Student Loan Bankruptcy Fears Drive Congress to Rethink Law
On Monday, at a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee to discuss the immigration bill, Brad Smith, Microsoft Corp.
The Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday evening passed a broad measure that aims to reduce the number of patent lawsuits.
More reaction is likely to come out Tuesday, when the Senate Judiciary Committee hears from a former deputy attorney general.
In July, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing to discuss the anti-competitive implications of Google's proposed partnership with Yahoo!
President Bush's nominee for attorney general heard words both tough and tender from the Senate Judiciary Committee this past week.
Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the ranking members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said they would act on the proposal very quickly.
The official justification for the disparity was provided by the Senate Judiciary Committee when PASPA was originally up for debate.
FORBES: Department Of Justice Steps Into Fight Over Sports Gambling In New Jersey
Gonzales is scheduled to appear February 6 before the Senate Judiciary Committee, which will be examining the NSA program's legality.
Orrin Hatch, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has indicated he'd leave the definition of marriage to the individual states.