The structural principles secured by the separation of powers protect the individual as well.
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The Rule would not only violate the separation of powers doctrine, it would eviscerate it.
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And the Supreme Court struck it down as a violation of the separation of powers.
Also, because of the separation of powers, Congress manages its own funds independent of the executive.
In other words, he is a standing rebuff to the entire concept of the separation of powers.
The Portion Cap Rule, if upheld, would create an administrative Leviathan and violate the separation of powers doctrine.
FORBES: Judge To Bloomberg: It's A Democracy, Not A Dictatorship
The separation of powers means that no one player holds all the cards.
Our democracy is dependent on checks and balances and the separation of powers.
It also respects the separation of powers between the judicial branch and the legislature, which raises taxes and spends money.
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And those are deliberations that need to be privileged and protected because of the separation of powers enshrined in our Constitution.
The Senate was designed, as part of the separation of powers, to check the impulses of the House and the popular will.
The court rejected Clinton's claims that lawsuits against presidents in office violate the separation of powers between the judicial branch and the executive branch.
"I think this is a very important decision about the separation of powers, " said Carl Tobias, a constitutional law professor at Virginia's University of Richmond.
Even some agents who no longer get a slice of a player's investment pie acknowledge that the separation of powers is ultimately good for the client.
Such is the conceit that undergirds not only the Supreme Court but also, by extension, the doctrine of the separation of powers upon which the American polity stands.
Those kinds of deliberations have been protected under privilege as a matter of the separation of powers enshrined in the Constitution by administrations of both parties dating back 30 years.
The US state department has also said that the impeachment "raises serious questions about the separation of powers in Sri Lanka, which is a fundamental tenet of a healthy democracy".
Our Founding Fathers would be aghast at such power grabbing, which makes a mockery of the separation of powers and the checks and balances that they took such pains to enshrine in the U.S. Constitution.
Judge Susan Illston, of U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, said the laws, which underlie a tool known as a "national security letter, " violate the First Amendment and the separation of powers principles.
But it delves into the some of the deepest issues of constitutional theory, namely the separation of powers and when Congress can suck matters out of so-called Article III courts and have them decided somewhere else.
Its main argument was that the checks and balances in the constitution are designed for a four-year presidential term and that an erosion of the separation of powers under Mr Uribe would be aggravated by a third term.
Under the Constitutional separation of powers, relief for the plaintiffs must come from Congress and not from the Judiciary.
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But there is a point beyond which it is his responsibility, as steward of the executive branch, to the American people and to future Presidents and future administrations, to retain the constitutionally enshrined separation of powers, to retain the capacity of the executive branch to deliberate and consult internally so that it can appropriately and independently respond to inquiries like this.
From listening to our constitutional scholars, we learned that debates about impeachment are like the wall protecting the fort of the Constitution's separation of powers.
House Speaker John Boehner said it was "a victory for accountability in government", while Utah Senator Orrin Hatch said it would "go a long way toward restoring the constitutional separation of powers".
The principle that courts must be seen to be independent was a common-law export, its ascendancy owing much to the glowing portrayal of Britain's separation of powers by the 18th-century political philosopher, Montesquieu.
They merely ruled that the threat to take away all federal funding if states did not join new Medicaid violated the Constitution's separation of powers.
The Supreme Court generally treads lightly in "separation of powers" cases, where one of the three branches of government is being subjected to the dictates of another.
Among the 20 leading democracies, Britain's winner-take-all plurality system is shared by only the United States and Canada, whose separation of powers and federal structures make it tolerable, and by New Zealand which suffers from the same see-saw of dogmatic minority government as Britain does.