The Internet, "appears to have survived a severe test of the adaptable traffic routing concepts it embodies, " the company said.
It is also true that Theo Waigel, the finance minister, has put consensus to a severe test by announcing out of the blue that new spending cuts to be taken from welfare may prove necessary this year to permit Germany to join Europe's single currency.
The setback is an ominous sign for an economy already facing a severe test in 2011, as the government's fiscal retrenchment moves from plans in Whitehall to reality on the ground.
However, the Republicans' solidarity now faces its most severe test on an issue that unites a large majority of voters: the need to rein in Wall Street banks.
Yet his response to the abuse crisis, which was ultimately a severe crisis of authority, and arguably the greatest test of the Church's authority since the Reformation, was insufficient.
BBC: Pope Benedict XVI will step down at the end of the month
Besides the risk to markets, however, a severe slump in share prices would provide the mutual-fund industry itself with its most severe test to date.
Giving evidence to the Transport Select Committee on 14 March 2011, he described the weather as "exceptionally severe" and that "any transport system would have been put to the test".
The combative 28-year-old, South Africa's top bowler in the Test series with 14 wickets, has a severe stress reaction in the second metatarsal.
Dutch researchers are proposing that DNA sequencing replace older forms of genetic tests for diagnosing the cause of severe intellectual disability, the second time in a day that researchers have pushed the emerging technology as a first-choice diagnostic test for severe illness.
FORBES: DNA Sequencing: Is Science Fiction Becoming Medical Fact?
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Europe was experiencing its "most severe test in decades" but that Europe was growing closer in the debt crisis.
Although there are ISDA rules to cover such events, the sheer size of Lehman in the market (its gross derivatives positions will be hundreds of billions of dollars) makes this default a severe test.
ECONOMIST: The fallout from the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers
If so, the lawyers will be facing the enormous expense of going to trial against a tobacco company on behalf of only six people, a severe test of their solemn obligation to represent their clients through thick and thin.