Neath Labour MP Peter Hain resigned from the shadow cabinet to campaign for the barrage.
Mr Herbert becomes shadow environment secretary, replacing Peter Ainsworth, who leaves the shadow cabinet.
No member of the Shadow Cabinet had their resignation briefed out at 3am in the conference hotel bar.
Peter Riddell in The Times recently described the Shadow Cabinet as "among the most second-rate in a generation".
Although MPs elect the shadow cabinet, the new party leader will decide which jobs the successful candidates get.
As elder statesmen they will be listened to by the country even if the shadow cabinet shuts its ears.
Since the speech had been authorised and the text cleared by the shadow cabinet, Mr Lilley thought he was safe.
Tim Yeo is one of the most experienced performers in the shadow cabinet and has been an MP since 1983.
And he described the shadow cabinet's decision as in the interest neither of the country nor of the Tory party.
These days the shadow cabinet is appointed rather than elected, so Ed Miliband will have more MPs to choose from.
Almost to a man the shadow cabinet gave him their votes, serenely confident in the knowledge they could not save him.
At a tense meeting between the two men, after Mr Hague's announcement, Lord Cranborne offered to resign from the shadow cabinet.
He retained his place in the shadow cabinet under Iain Duncan Smith despite his vociferous support for Michael Portillo's leadership bid.
After a brief stint as shadow home secretary under William Hague, he resigned from the shadow cabinet and pursued more extra-parliamentary interests.
In fact, there's a scene early on in the series where Nicola Murray is chairing a disastrous meeting of the Shadow Cabinet.
"It's important that all members of the shadow cabinet play their full role in explaining and defending Labour's policy and approach, " he said.
Elevated to the shadow cabinet under Iain Duncan Smith, he led calls for Tory MPs to be banned from being members of the Monday Club.
However, his modernising tendencies continued apace from within the shadow cabinet.
Ed Miliband's putting his proposals to change the way in which the shadow cabinet is selected, so that he can choose his own shadow cabinet tomorrow.
Others in the shadow cabinet fear that the Scottish people might succumb to buyers' remorse and give Alex Salmond another run as First Minister in 2016.
And David Davis, then shadow home secretary, resigned from the shadow cabinet and as an MP to provoke a by-election as a referendum of 42-day detention legislation.
And there is speculation that Harriet Harman, who is already in the shadow cabinet as deputy leader, could be offered a job shadowing one of the big portfolios.
This is perhaps the real contrast between Mr Cameron and David Davis, who left the shadow cabinet last month to dramatise his disgust with Labour's erosion of civil liberties.
David Miliband quit the shadow cabinet after losing the close vote for the party leadership, in which he was clear favourite and lost out because Ed secured trade union votes.
Attlee was unable to subdue Nye Bevan - a heroic figure for the party's left - who quit the shadow cabinet and was almost expelled from the party a year later.
The comments fuelled speculation that Mr Portillo had made a deal with Mr Hague to take full control over economic policy before his surprise promotion to the shadow cabinet earlier this month.
The shadow cabinet will discover, as Mr Duncan Smith intends, that other Europeans are not trapped, as many Britons are, by a conviction that public services must be provided, as well as paid for, by the state.
ECONOMIST: Conservative Party conference: Who said we don't like Europe? | The
It may have been, as his adviser put it this morning, the worst kept secret in Welsh politics that Peter Hain was planning to step down from the Shadow Cabinet before the next reshuffle - but to do what?