Ordinary citizens need to get politically active in order to shape technology and the social norms around them.
At first, a few people violate the social norms, but as more and more people violate them, the actions become the new norm.
Although most of us grow up as products of our families, we are also heavily influenced by the social norms manifested in popular culture.
They do learn on the social norms and how to behave in this new medium, but they need to see that the leader is present, albeit virtually.
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Therefore the social norms governing speech are more forgiving.
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Society and the social norms also contribute to this.
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But we viewed that as a really important thing, to always keep a beginner's mind and what would we do if we were starting the company now and we decided that these would be the social norms now and we just went for it.
No other city, though, can match its tolerance, no other offers freedom from the strict social norms that rule India.
Why are economists happy to say what the optimal laws are from an economic standpoint but afraid to say what the optimal social norms are for a successful economy?
Where older generations favoured traditionalism, younger generations consistently push back the frontiers of social norms.
Instead of the rules and social norms used in face-to-face meeting, they create ones for digital interfacing.
If you view the pressure of social norms as a way to restrict individual freedom, then this can easily be seen as progressive or conservative, depending on the behavior being restricted.
When I try to imagine the future, I am optimistic because I see women demanding information and opportunities in the face of social norms that say they're not permitted to do so.
However, 73% of Fellows said that cultivating other people to become changemakers is the primary focus on their work. 66% of Ashoka Fellows are specifically changing the culture and social norms around changemaking enabling people to identify and solve social problems.
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Big Data also has the power to shift social norms and perhaps even transform society by sweeping away all the anachronisms of the analog era, such as sexism and class distinctions, and replace them with something entirely new.
"I am thrilled to be working with HarperCollins to share some of my own crazy experiences on the front lines of social media and to inspire people of all ages to embrace technology, as well as the new set of social norms that come along with it, " she said.
During much of that time, the United States enforced social norms that favored sexual continence, early marriage and low divorce rates.
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In her view, this is no coincidence: the shows are constructed to reinforce particular social norms, she argues, and she finds examples from across the reality spectrum.
Paying too much attention to rich-world worries about differences in social norms runs the risk of perpetuating them.
In what ways can technological interventions be used to change or challenge social norms inhibiting the disadvantaged and marginalised people?
Liberals counter that the law must evolve with social norms, else judges would still be enforcing unconstitutional concepts like racial segregation and sexual discrimination.
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While she was a reflection of social norms in the early 60s, the Invisible Girl (later Invisible Woman)also foreshadowed a decade in which the roles of men and women were redefined in radical ways, especially with regard to workplace dynamics such as pay, advancement opportunities and sexual harassment.
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She had to grapple with local social norms, such as the reluctance of its saleswomen to speak to strangers, but she ultimately succeeded in turning the business around.
The longer term solution would be to develop an appropriate social contract: conducting ourselves online under the same civilized behavioral norms that keep us from, say, stealing stuff from one another's homes even though we could probably get away with it.
While the 1960s changed our consciousness, setbacks limited progress as the intervening decades saw significant ebbs and flows in social norms.
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Nevertheless, sensible social norms can be useful in getting individuals to internalize the likely consequences of their actions.
The Roman feast of Saturnalia was a weeklong winter solstice party that overturned social norms, including masters served slaves.
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In their own extensive analysis of what makes a hero, psychologists Zeno Franco and Philip Zimbardo suggest that people who don't succumb to the bystander effect are sometimes people who generally don't adhere to social norms and conventions.
The judge told Barry McCarney that he was a deeply manipulative individual devoid of social norms.