• Their Atlantic Odyssey cruise is the ultimate in ice vacations, lasting nearly 40 days, with visits to the Antarctic peninsula, the South Shetland Islands, South Georgia and the South Orkney Islands.

    CNN: Embrace ice: 8 cool getaways

  • Sights you can expect to gawk at in awe on your voyage include a variety of points on the Antarctic Peninsula, the South Shetland Islands, a whole mess of seals, four different types of penguins and a starkly beautiful panorama of unforgiving rock, ice, and snow.

    FORBES: Get Them While They're Cold: $1 Tickets to Antarctica for Companions

  • Only Clackmannanshire, Orkney Islands, Shetland Islands and South Ayrshire local authority areas have shown increases in average property prices compared with the previous year.

    BBC: Figures show rise in house sales

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